Yearbook 2019 : Green Woodpeckers

The theme of the 2019 UP STRAW YEARBOOK is ’the straw experience to learn in’. It aims to inform and inspire you about the application of straw as a building material in schools and educational buildings.

The article we highlight today comes from Germany.

This is an interview with Markus Wolf, member of the board of carpentry “Green Woodpeckers”

The German carpentry company Grünspechte e.G. has 44 employees and is committed to ecology, healthier building and sustainability. Since October 2019, the “Green Woodpeckers” have been building their first straw-insulated buildings: eight residential units near Freiburg, which are prefabricated in the company's factory. Markus Wolf, carpenter and member of the board of the timber construction company, reports on the first straw building experiences, highlights and challenges as well as why it makes entrepreneurial sense to build sustainably.


Yearbook 2019 : Greenwoodpeckers

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