Successful topping-out ceremony for straw-insulated monastery building

Benedictine Abbey in Plankstetten, Germany

24 October 2020 - 24 October 2020

On October 24, the monks of the Benedictine Abbey Plankstetten celebrated together with their guests the topping-out ceremony of the new building "Haus St. Wunibald".

Among the guests was Albert Füracker, Bavarian Minister of State for Finance and Home Affairs, who praised the courage and perseverance of the monks and honored the work of all those involved in this exemplary building for climate-friendly construction in Germany and Europe. He stated: „Straw is a progressive, modern and sustainable insulation material.“

In addition to the Bavarian Minister of State and local politicians, representatives of the sponsors, the authorities involved, the planning team and the construction companies attended the topping-out ceremony. In all greetings the speakers called for imitation of the building method.

After the topping-out ceremony held by master carpenter Manfred Bogner, the topping-out tree was erected on top of the three-story multi-purpose building. It will house 30 guest rooms, the parish administration and the Abt-Maurus-Kindergarten from the end of next year.

The official ceremony was followed by a construction site visit and a joint lunch with Bavarian specialities. 

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