Prepare your dissemination plan for this 4 international events

Between October and December 2019, VR4REHAB gives to the teams of the challenges phase, the opportunity to participate in international events all over Europe.

In this article, we will introduce the next four events in which we are taking part, and we will provide you with some useful tips to prepare your dissemination plan and spread out the results of your projects.


Dissemination and communication of your results all over Europe

Dissemination, what does it mean? When we talk about it, we refer to all the activities done to make the results of a project available to be used, in research or industry field.

One of the goals of VR4REHAB is to give visibility to the outcomes emerged during the project and to help the participants to disseminate their results to an international audience, made by experts from academia and industry.

For this reason, in the next months, we will participate in four international events, allowing the teams to showcase their prototypes or pitching their ideas. These will be great opportunities to meet experts in the VR AR field and get feedback about ongoing projects, meet possible investors or business partners.

Moreover, at the end of the article, you will find some indications and resources to create a tailored dissemination plan for reaching your goals.


Games for Health Europe - 7,8 October 2019, Eindhoven (NL)

"Games for Health Europe Foundation is Europe’s leading professional organization in the field of applied health games since 2010. It brings together the best minds in game development and healthcare to develop game technologies that improve health and the delivery of healthcare".

Four teams are participating in the event: Hands around the world; Movin(g) reality; Trunky XL; Crystal Ball. They participated in VR4REHAB hackathons in 2018 and they developed four brand new prototypes, based on VR & AR technologies.

The teams will pitch their concepts at GFHEU Conference on October 8th, during the Rehab session. This is a great opportunity for the groups to get feedback from an international audience, and to meet with potential future users or business partners. 


EuroVR 2019 Conference - 23-25 October 2019, Tallinn (EE)

"EuroVR is an Association gathering individual, national chapters, large companies, small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as research institutions, universities, and laboratories, all of them with a keen interest in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality".

The core of EuroVR Association is its annual event, an international conference organized, every year, in a different location by the members of the Association. After its last editions, in Bremen (2014), Lecco (2015), Athens (2016), Laval (2017), and London (2018), this 16th edition will take place in Tallinn (EE) and it is organized by TalTech Mektory team at Tallinn University of Technology.

Two VR4REHAB teams will participate in EuroVR2019, showcasing prototypes, research, and on-going project and get reviews by the experts from industry and academia.


VR Days Amsterdam - 13-15 November, Amsterdam (NL)

VR Days is a 3-day conference and exhibition on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality content, creativity, and innovation. Expect a compelling range of keynotes, expert sessions, workshops and seminars with 140+ expert speakers from the worlds of health, tech, business, and the arts.

This is the 5th edition of VR days: a great opportunity to make new connections in the XR industry, perfect for those who already have a prototype to showcase and are looking for business opportunities and investors.

We are working on VR4REHAB participation in this great event. We will have an exhibition booth, with the possibility to invite the teams participating in the challenges to showcase their work. VR4REHAB organizers will get in touch with the groups, inviting them to join the exhibition booth in Amsterdam and disseminate their results.


NWE Making an impact! - 4,5 December 2019, Lille (France)

Our last event for 2019, is the first impact event organized by the Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) programme.

This transnational event will focus on the results achieved by the 83 NWE projects funded so farand how to further support their uptake and impact.

VR4REHAB representatives will be there to participate in the discussion on the results of the program, and the impact of the of projects throughout the NWE territory, and beyond in Europe. A great chance to disseminate VR4REHAB outcomes with policies makers and European bodies.


How to get ready for a dissemination event

We have listed all the upcoming events in which VR4REHAB will take part in the next months. We are very happy to support the teams in spreading the outcomes of their projects to different audiences, and we want to close this article with an extra-tip.

As we described in our previous articles, creating a dissemination plan is essential to maximize the impact of your outcomes, and deliver the best results. It is important to plan a strategy for your communication and dissemination activities in advance: for example, who is your target? Which event is better for showcasing your project?

All the events are different and will allow you to meet different audiences. You have to choose which one fits best for your purposesAre you looking for investors? Or for feedbacks from researchers and scientists?

If you are looking for some inspiration, please find more information about the dissemination plan at this link. You will find a dissemination model canvas which will help you in defining your strategy.

If you have any further question about the best dissemination plan for your team, please contact



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