James Hutton Limited is proud to announce the procurement of new laboratory analytical equipment on behalf of the Water Test Network project. This is additional equipment to give the analytical facility access to a wide variety of analytical techniques for fulfilling the analytical requirements of the water industry and beyond. The new equipment consist of:
- ICP-OES: The Perkin Elmer Avio 500 Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emmission Spectrometer is used for analyses of µg/l to percent levels of elements in water.
- ICP-MS: The Perkin Elmer Nexlon 2000c Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometer is an addition to the ICP-OES and with the combination of the two James Hutton Limited is able to analyse most of the elements in the period table for a wide range of concentrations in water samples.
- Perkin Elmer Titan Microwave digestion system to comply with standard test methods (EEA/EPA) and convert recalcitrant samples, such as sludges into solutions.
- GC-MS: The Perkin Elmer Clarus 690 +SQ8T MS + Turbomatrix Headspace Analyser is an instrument that combines gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. The GC-MS coupled with a liquid autosampler and a headspace analyser is capable of analysing a wide suite of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds.
- LC-MS/MS: The Perkin Elmer QSight UPLC-QQQ Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer/Mass Spectrometer couples liquid chromatography to two mass spectrometers in sequence. The GC-MS with headspace/liquid autosampler and the LC-MS/MS together offer a wide range of organic analysis in water samples and other matrices.
- Discrete Analysis: The Seal Analytical Discrete Analyser AQ400 is a rapid throughput, automated colorimetric instrument that employs colour intensity as a means of measuring the concentrations of compounds in water. Typically, this instrument is used for measuring the concentrations of ammonium, phosphate, alkalinity and nitrate/nitrite.
- TOC/TN analyser: The Shimadzu TOC/TN analyser evaporates and combusts samples measuring the Total Organic Carbon by a non-dispersive Infrared detector (NDIR). The TOC/TN analyser is a rapid screening technique for organic carbon and nitrogen in water samples.
- Ion Chromatography: The Dionex Aquion employs chromatography to separate and quantify inorganic anions such as the halides, sulphate and nitrate.
The combination of the above equipment compliments our analytical arsenal and expands our capability of water analyses in order to assist Water Test Network. All the equipment will be brand new and when installed and methods will either be accredited to ISO 17025 or if not will be run in accordance with our internal quality management system. We have the capability of being able to carry out the majority of water tests and have advanced analytical techniques as well if required.
For the full document, including pictures of the analytical equipment, please click here.