Interreg NWE Newsletter - Issue April 2020


Newsletter - April 2020

This is the first issue of the seasonal newsletter of the Interreg North-West Europe Programme! Here you will find the most recent activities of the programme, impact stories from projects, videos, and our media presence. Scroll down and enjoy reading the articles.

Just out: NWE Impact event publication

Last December in Tourcoing, France, 370 participants were brought together to showcase the most advanced of our 95 projects and the impact of their transnational collaboration in the most concrete way. In this publication, we capture the highlights of this very rich and inspiring event.

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COVID-19 Outbreak

A message from the Programme Director

All involved in the NWE programme are doing their utmost to continue with transnational cooperation under current circunstances. We switched to online and even managed to have a serious debate with 50 participants from all over our area on 18 project proposals.
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Seven new projects approved

Call 9 step 2
Seven projects from call 9, step 2 were approved after the Monitoring Committee meeting on 02 April 2020. Due to current implications from the COVID-19 outbreak, this MC meeting was exceptionally held online.

Find the full list here

List of beneficiaries

Access here the updated list of operations and beneficiaries of the projects approved during the current programming period – 2014-2020.

Find the full list here
Success stories

A more energy-efficient
North-West Europe

Feature story

Interreg NWE is giving an extra push to transnational initiatives that not only fit the citizens’ pockets but are able to overcome specific barriers of retrofitting.
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Unlocking the power of technology for better mental health

Discover eMEN

The eMEN project supports practical solutions for scaling up e-mental health technology.

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Afraid of robots? Meet the cobots!

Stakeholder interview

6 questions to Dr. Matthias Hoffmann and Dr. Oliver Mueller from BEST, the Advice Centre for socially acceptable Technology-Designing in Saarbrücken, Germany and partner in the Interreg North-West Europe COTEMACO (Increased NWE COmpetitiveness Through Efficient MAn & Machine COllaboration) project.

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Achieving solid sustainability

Feature story

The Programme currently finances five projects that look at crucial aspects of the supply chain in order to replace primary raw materials with high quality recycled materials as well as to further develop new materials and goods, with a higher recycle and re-use potential.

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Featured video
See on our YouTube channel a few concrete examples of transnational cooperation at its best! In this video presented at the "NWE making an impact!" event last year, we gather some testimonies from project partners and showcase great stories that demonstrate the benefits of our projects to citizens from North-West Europe and beyond. Check it out!

Watch the video here
NWE in the media

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