Managing and implementing bodies

There is a group of people working hard to ensure Interreg NWE runs smoothly and for the greatest benefit of the area. See here the different roles and responsibilities.

The Contact Points

Each participating Member State has appointed one or more professionals to facilitate the development of project ideas. They are the first reference for project promoters, due to their knowledge of both Programme rules and their local, regional and national context.

Contact them if you need:

  • General information about Interreg NWE
  • Detailed information about national regulations
  • Help to find partners abroad
  • Help to develop a project idea
  • Help to prepare a project application
Joint Secretariat

Appointed by the Managing Authority, it is responsible for the daily management of the Programme.

Contact the officers working at the Joint Secretariat if you need:

  • Detailed information about Interreg NWE, including rules and assessment procedures.
  • Information about European Regulations
  • Help to develop a project proposal (in particular in step 2)
  • Assistance during the implementation of a project
Monitoring Committee

It consists of national and regional representatives of the countries involved in the Programme. It is responsible for the strategy of the Programme and the selection of projects on a consensus basis.

Certifying Authority

The Certifying Authority is the Province of East Flanders (Belgium). It is responsible for drawing up and submitting payment applications to the European Commission.

It draws up the Programme's accounts, certifies their completeness, accuracy and veracity and certifies that the expenditure complies with applicable EU and national rules. The Certifying Authority is in charge of paying the NWE contribution to projects.

Audit Authority

The Audit Authority is the "Commission Interministérielle de Coordination des Contrôles des actions cofinancées par les fonds structurels (CICC)" in France.

It is responsible for auditing projects during the Programme's life time. A Group of Auditors, consisting of a representative of each Member State, assists the Auditing Authority in the tasks.

Managing Authority

The Managing Authority is the Hauts-de-France region in France.

It is responsible for managing the Programme according to the principle of sound financial management. It ensures the different Programme bodies interact efficiently and it counts on the assistance of the Joint Secretariat.

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