BE-GOOD: Open Data for a smarter society

Project Summary

Data is becoming more and more a major asset of the future knowledge economy. In this context the Interreg VB NWE project BE-GOOD (Building an Ecosystem to Generate Opportunities in Open Data) was developed to generate value from and stimulate sustainable ecosystems for open data in regions in North–West Europe.

BE-GOOD is a pioneering project aiming to unlock, re-use and extract value from Public Sector Information (PSI) to develop data driven services in the area of infrastructure and environment. The market potential to re-use PSI, such as geospatial data, is significant. Currently, the market for PSI-based services is limited as innovators face the following major barriers:

  1. Lack of public body experience with the publication of PSI, limiting the availability of data

  2. Limited attention to commercial potential of data, limiting the relevance of data

  3. Shortage of links between PSI initiatives and SME solution providers, limiting market uptake

BE-GOOD will deliver 11 pilots to extract commercial value from PSI. This is estimated at € 50 million and will also contribute to delivering 15% to 20% reduction of cost that big data is expected to enable. The project uses a novel demand driven approach, starting with public service delivery challenges across North West Europe.

By unlocking datasets and better engaging with the marketplace, the development of applications, software or algorithms for traffic management, air and water quality monitoring and infrastructure maintenance planning will be made possible.

Discover our 11 innovative solutions:

Work packages

To make sure these project objectives will be achieved, a number of work packages has been created. WP T1 methodology: open data sharing and innovation networks has the aim to develop a toolbox and transnational methods which will allow the release of data, use of data and engage with solution providers in adressing the 10 challenges provided in WP T2 challenges: developing novel PSI-driven services

The objective of WP T3 implementation of prototypes in an operational context is to test 5 selected prototype solutions provided in WP T2 in operational environments. The aim is to further those challenges for which succesful prototypes were delivered, to real life implementation.

WP LT, which focusses on the long term development of the project, aims at supporting enterprises with a wider uptake of the validated innovative PSI driven services they have delivered during BE-GOOD.

WP communication develops communication tools such as videos, newletters and blogs to communicate the objectives, results and benefits of this project. 

In the capitalisation workpackage we will push our results one step further. 6 of the BE-GOOD solutions will be replicated and implemented either in new geographical regions, in new economic sectors and by new target groups.


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Roadshow Orléans Métropole and Département du Loiret

Posted on 02-03-2020

Besides being Valentine’s Day, 14 February was a special day for another reason: Département du Loiret and Orléans Métropole organised their BE-GOOD roadshow. Read more

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Project Partners

  • Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij - VMM

    24-26 Dokter De Moorstraat

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  • Orléans Métropole

    5 Espace St Marc, place du 6 juin 1944
    BP 95801, 45058 cedex 01

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  • Département du Loiret

    15 Rue Eugène VIGNAT
    45 000

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  • Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath

    Block 3 Floor 4 Civic Offices, Wood Quay
    Dublin 8

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  • Glasgow City Council

    1 Glasgow, City Council, City Chambers
    G2 1DU
    United Kingdom

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  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

    5 avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux

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  • Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland

    32 Phoenixstraat

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  • Ministerie van Infrastructuur & Waterstaat - Rijkswaterstaat

    34 Lange Kleiweg
    2288 GK

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Lead partner

Organisation Address Email Website
Ministerie van Infrastructuur & Waterstaat - Rijkswaterstaat 34 Lange Kleiweg
2288 GK
Name Contact Name Email Country
Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij - VMM Stevie Swenne Belgium
Orléans Métropole Vanda Turczi France
Département du Loiret Sandrine Gerard France
Comhairle Cathrach Bhaile Átha Cliath Brendan O’Brien Ireland
Glasgow City Council James Arnott United Kingdom
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology Slim Turki Luxembourg
Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland Rob Ammerlaan Netherlands
























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