
Conference on "Energy Poverty in Europe"

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One of our CAN-partners, Brest métropole, moved Energy Poverty in Europe into the spotlight by hosting a two-day conference around the topic in June. It offered the opportunity to share valuable expert insights and experiences about how to tackle energy poverty at European, national and local levels. Helen Stockton, EPOV1, pointed out that while there is no definition of energy poverty, yet, mainly three factors contribute to this socio-technical problem: high energy costs, inefficient homes and low household incomes... Read More

CAN: Project Video Out Now!

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Our project is entering its final phase. The video shows what CAN is all about - without any speech at all it can be used throughout Europe to stir up interest in Climate Active Neighbourhoods. The video also reveals where interested municipalities will soon get more information - the Practice Cube with the exciting results from CAN will not be long to come... Read More