
Zitdag: Hoe flexibel produceren door nieuwe technologieën in de food-, assemblage- en automotive industrie?

, Voka - Kamer van Koophandel Limburg Gouverneur Roppesingel 51 3500 Hasselt

During the "cobots and digital support" day you can make an appointment with an account manager and/or technical expert from Flanders Make. Based on your specific case and needs, the most suitable automation formula can be discussed. It will also be considered whether you can be part of the COTEMACO project and whether you are eligible for these support measures. (In Dutch).
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Workshop Cotemaco für Integratoren

, ZeMA - Zentrum für Mechatronik und Automatisierungstechnik gGmbH Eschberger Weg 46 D-66121 Saarbrücken

The workshop will be initiated by a joint exchange of experts on the state of the art and the demonstration of the individual application areas of MRK solutions. A subsequent lecture on the subject of security in the context of MRK will invite discussion. Finally, a tour of the demonstrator landscape at ZeMA with MRK best practices will round off the workshop. (In German)
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Symposium on Automated and Robotised Manufacturing

, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Environmental Campus, Birkenfeld Campusallee, 55768, Hoppstädten-Weiersbach, Germany

ZeMA will present COTEMACO at the symposium, bringing together engineers and managers involved in optimising, planning and developing remanufacturing processes. At the event, best practice around remanufacturing with automated and robotised processes will be shared by suppliers of robots and automation equipment, as well as researchers who are examining new applications. In addition, a series of lectures, demonstrations and posters will examine topics such as: remanufacturing based on robotics, human/robot collaboration and industry 4.0.
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