
CurCol webinar

, Online

Did you know that in Europe we produce about 87 million tons of packaging waste every year? The good news is that some of this is made from bioplastic that is recyclable or biodegradable. The bad news is that these processes still release non-biodegradable and often toxic synthetic dyes. Can we counteract this by using natural dyes? Yes! On May 17, the Curcol project will present the latest developments in the field of turmeric-based dyes and applications. Learn from our experts and have your say!
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Natural colorants for bioplastics

, Online

Did you know that we produce about 87 million tons of packaging waste per year in Europe? The good news is that a part of this is made of bioplastics that is recyclable or biodegradable. The bad news is that these processes still release non-biodegradable and often toxic synthetic colorants. Can we counter this by using natural colorants? Yes! Join our webinar on the 20th of April and learn more!
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