
3rd Partnership Meeting, in Ghent Belgium

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EnerGent was our host during the 3rd partnership meeting in Ghent. The main aim of this meeting was to exchange information on where we stand as a project and as individual partners, what the synergies are, where the discrepancies lay and how we should proceed. The days were built around the basic elements of the Transnational Design (TD) and the MoRe model: Community, Value Propositions, virtual Power Plant, the implementation and replication of the cVPP. Read More

Siddharth Raghav Murali, who recently graduated with a master’s thesis titled “Community based Virtual Power Plants: Aligning technical functions with social motivations”.

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Siddharth’s thesis has a social as well as a technical aspect and initially identifies a general set of social motivations present within a community, that could lead to the inception of a community-based project like the cVPP. Since Loenen village in the Netherlands has been chosen as the location where cVPP will be implemented, it was taken as the case study on which this thesis is based upon. The community of Loenen is actively involved in renewable development. In 2013, they were the recipients of funding for a community project to subsidize the installation of residential solar panels (Apeldoorn, 2015). The project was spearheaded by the local energy collective called Loenen Enrgie Neutraal (LEN). After the success of previous renewable energy projects in Loenen, the cVPP project is the next undertaking by LEN with the help of other partners in the consortium. Siddhart’s thesis was supervised by Dr. Ir. A.J. Wieczorek and Prof. Dr. Ir. G.P.J. Verbong from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Innovation Sciences (TU/e) and Dr. V. Cuk from the Faculty of Industrial Electrical Engineering (TU/e). Further information on Siddhart’s thesis can be found on following link: Read More

2nd Consortium Meeting, in Tipperary Ireland

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The 2nd Consortium Meeting of the cVPP project will take place from 11th to 13th April 2018, at the Great National Abbey Court Hotel in Tipperary, Ireland and will be hosted by our project partners Tipperary Energy Agency (TEA) and Templederry Renewable energy Supply Limited, T/A Community Renewable energy supply (CRES). On day 1, before lunch, an Irish Kick-off Meeting will be organised with Read More

cVPP project kick-off

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The official Kick-off Meeting of the cVPP project was held in Eindhoven on December 13th and 14th 2017. As leading partner of the consortium, the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) invited all project partners to this two-day-meeting in the Netherlands. The meeting was opened by Anna Wieczorek and Geert Verbong, from the School of Innovation Sciences, Eindhoven University of Technology, who welcomed the participants to the project’s kick-off. The meeting was attended by Read More