
Velo-city day 2: Cycle Highways Innovation

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The liveability and attractiveness of a city can be improved by smarter transport choices. A change from car-dependent lifestyles towards less polluting transporting modes, such as cycling, is needed, and cycle highways can be part of the solution. How can governments plan and build the best cycle highways? How can they monitor the impact of their investments and encourage more cycling? Read More

Provisions for cyclists in the European directive on Road Infrastructure Safety Management

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One of the key elements of the 3rd Mobility Package launched by the European Commission on May 17th is a proposal for amending the Road Infrastructure Safety Management directive (2008/96/EC, also known as the RISM directive). The directive currently defines procedures that were supposed to ensure safety of the trans-European road infrastructure (TEN-T) but up until now were focused nearly exclusive on safety of car-occupants. Read More