
New signposting for the CHIPS Cycle Highway Waalwijk-Tilburg

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The F261, the fast cycle route along the Midden-Brabantweg from Waalwijk to Tilburg, becomes the first cycle highway in the Dutch Province of North Brabant with the new signposting. For the final selection of the design, 2 designs were presented in the town hall of Dongen. There, the directors of the province of Noord-Brabant, Tilburg, Waalwijk and Loon op Zand signed the official agreement so that the F261 can actually be built in the short term. Read More

The 2nd Cycle Highway Academy – Design & Build (London)

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The second Cycle Highway Academy took place in London on the 4th and 5th of October after the successful first edition around “Planning’ in Arnhem in June during Velo-city 2017. The CHIPS partners were very excited to host the second edition of the Cycle Highway Academy in London, the home of the Cycle Superhighways, which are among the first generation of cycle highways in Europe: the first London Cycle Superhighways were opened in 2010. This second Cycle Highway Academy was organized around the theme of “design & build”, the second stage in the CHIPS Life Cycle Highway. Read More

Leuven will be closer to Brussels thanks to investments on the F3 cycle highway

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The F3 cycle highway from Leuven to Brussels follows the high-speed train line connecting Belgium with Germany, but as for today, in a few places cyclists have to make a detour. CHIPS project partner Province Flemish Brabant (Vlaams-Brabant) together with local municipalities and the Flemish regional government are planning construction of two tunnels and a bridge to improve the directness of the route, as well as safety and comfort of its users. Read More