Address Country Website
1 Daalsesingel , Utrecht, 3511 SV Netherlands www.ebn.nl


EBN is an energy sector company whose shares are wholly owned by the Dutch State. EBN was founded 55 years ago to represent the Dutch State in the gas and oil industry. Since its foundation, EBN has contributed EUR 300 billion of natural gas revenues. Today EBN is redirecting its activities towards a sustainable energy system, while making a significant contribution towards society’s climate ambitions. EBN welcomes the task of helping to accelerate the energy transition in the Netherlands. To this end, the organisation set its own internal transition in motion several years ago to focus increasingly on sustainable energy solutions, such as geothermal energy, CO2 storage, hydrogen and green gas. Anyone who works for EBN thus makes a direct contribution to the renewal of the energy system in the Netherlands. As ever, the public interest remains our central concern: our work benefits Dutch society as a whole. And safety, sustainability and innovation always come first. EBN plays a key role in the creation of public‐private partnerships in the energy sector. By taking equity stakes in a wide array of companies, EBN has evolved into a highly experienced and financially robust player. Apart from providing capital, we also boast a unique knowledge base, comprising both in‐depth knowledge of the Dutch subsurface and wide‐ranging knowledge of the energy system. Through our knowledge, capital and leverage, we can make an active and significant contribution to our sustainable energy system of the future and help to turn society’s ambitions into reality. That is what we do and that is our drive: Energising the Transition.

Thematic priorities:

  • Low carbon