Flemish Institute for Technological Research

Address Country Website
200 Boeretang , Mol, 2400 Belgium www.vito.be


VITO is a leading international research and consulting centre. VITO employs over 900 people of almost 40 different nationalities, including more than 90 doctoral and post‐doctoral researchers. VITO delivers intelligent and qualitative solutions that can provide advantages for large and small enterprises. It offers objective research, studies and advices on which industry and authorities can base their policy. VITO’s research agenda focuses on today’s major social challenges: climate change, food security, raw materials scarcity, a sustainable energy supply and an ageing population. In this way, VITO supports not only the future vision of Flanders but also the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. VITO has the following goals: Accelerate the transition to a competitive, clean and secure energy system in Flanders and the world | Introduce short material cycles to set up ecosystems throughout the world for circular economy | Radically reduce the consumption of fossil‐based feedstocks and energy within the Flemish chemical sector | Facilitate innovative, preventive and affordable healthcare, underpinned by measuring instruments and data | Stimulate sustainable use of space and water, with links to health, agriculture and more

Thematic priorities:

  • Low carbon