Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences

Address Country Website
29 Vautier street, Brussels, 1000 Belgium


The Geological Survey of Belgium (GSB) is a research‐ and service‐oriented unit of the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences. The GSB conducts scientific services and research projects related to GeoEnergy, Raw Materials, Dynamics of sedimentary basins and data infrastructure. GSB also carried out all major exploration campaigns of the Belgian subsurface, including deep boreholes and all major geophysical surveys (seismic reflective profiles, gravimetry, aeromagnetic, ...). The scientific valorization of the data, the rock and mineral collections, including all the deep borehole cores and samples from the Belgian subsurface are also the responsibility of GSB and this valorization task can be conducted through a modern analytical equipment facility. At the European level, GSB is also an active member of EuroGeoSurveys and through this affiliation GSB participates to numerous EU projects related to ‘Raw Materials’ (EuroGeoSources, Minerals4EU, MICA, FORAM) and to ‘Geo‐Energy’ (EUOGA, ENOS, ESTMap, ThermoMap, MEET). GSB is also a committed member of the Applied Geosciences ERA‐NET called GeoERA covering the Geo‐Energy, Raw Materials, Ground Water Resources and Data Infrastructure themes.

Thematic priorities:

  • Low carbon