The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research

Address Country Website
6 Princetonlaan, Utrecht, 3584CB Netherlands


TNO is the largest independent Research, Development and Consultancy organization in the Netherlands with a staff of about 3,400 people. TNO’s primary task is to support and advice governmental bodies, industrial companies, research organizations and others in technological innovation and problem solving. TNO builds knowledge and provides expertise in contract research and specialist consultancy, and is engaged in large national and European research programs. TNO’s mission is to connect people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the competitive strength of industry and the wellbeing of society in a sustainable way. TNO has clustered its activities into nine focus areas: [1] Buildings, Infrastructure & Maritime, [2] Circular Economy & Environment, [3] Defense, Safety & Security, [4] Energy, [5] Healthy Living, [6] Industry, [7] Information & Communication Technology, [8] Strategic Analysis & Policy and [9] Traffic & Transport. Geo‐energy research as part of the focus area Energy is carried out in the department of Applied Geosciences. Focus of TNO’s engagement in Interreg DGE‐ROLLOUT lies on contributions to the geological mapping of potential deep geothermal limestone reservoirs and the creation of ThermoGIS‐based geothermal potential maps of these limestones in North‐West Europe. TNO supports with its geo‐energy research activities governmental bodies, partner research organizations and companies involved in geo‐energy research in the Netherlands. Focus is on geothermal and underground thermal energy storage. The European Privacy Regulation does not allow me to provide you with contact lists of our partners.

Thematic priorities:

  • Low carbon