
2nd session Regional Innovation Hub France

, Villeneuve d'Ascq

It's time for the second edition of the DDC Regional Innovation Hub in France ! On June 24th, our French project partners welcome you to join them at Villeneuve d'Ascq (FR) for an afternoon, in French, of face-to-face exchange. Like to join? Go directly to the link to register. This second edition in France is intended to be a time of learning and sharing for project owners, around exemplary projects that have integrated materials from reuse or that have recovered materials from their building sites. How can you integrate these material recovery approaches into your projects and facilitate your reuse projects? Greenflex, Vilogia, Nobatek, AREP and SNCF are looking forward to meet you to share knowledge and hear what you still need.
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2nd session Regional Innovation Hub & 3rd GTB-Lab symposium

, Brightlands Smart Services Campus & GTB-Lab location Heerlen

During the 3rd International Reversible Circular Building Symposium the Digital Deconstruction Regional Innovation Hub event will take place in Heerlen (NL). The symposium will address lessons learned after the first construction stage of Laboratory for Green Transformable Buildings as the knowledge center for Circular Buildings followed up with the regional strategies for the transition to Circular economy in construction, state of the art with regards to the implementation of Reversible / Circular building design and methods of construction / deconstruction. Focus will be on lessons learned from the best practices and next steps for the regional development. We look forward to meet you on June, 22 in Heerlen (NL).
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Lecture GTB-Lab at 25th International Industrial Building Seminar Vienna

, Vienna

Project partner Elma Durmisevic from Green Transformable Building Lab (GTB-Lab) gives a lecture during the 25th International Industrial Building Seminar "Back to Bauhaus-the great reset" in Vienna on Friday 20/05. This seminar is organized by the University of Vienna. Her lecture will be about reversible building design and digitalization of architecture and will present the results of DDC projects and how reversible BIM can support circular building design. See the program and location of this event below.
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Mid Term Event Paris | April 7, 2022

, Tea Loft, 16 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Denis, 75010 Paris

The project partners of Digital Deconstruction, a project of Interreg North West Europe, are organizing a Mid Term Event in Paris on the 7th of April for all DDC partners and their relations in the demolition, building, design, science and smart services businesses. The Mid Term Event will be held to give all relations an overview of the progress made and challenges to come regarding the Digital Deconstruction project and more widely how to scale up the reuse of materials in building sector. On the 5th and 6th of April, 2022 the BIM World Conference is a nice opportunity to visit when coming to the Mid Term Event. We will have a DDC stand present for both days of the show. This stand will allow us to present the project to a wider public. In addition, a ten-minute conference will be held on April 6th, at 10.30 a.m. on the following topic: Circular economy and resource saving on construction sites: the role of digital and keys to success. From March 21, 2022 registration is open for persons working in or involved in the (de)construction industry, designers of digital tools for reuse of materials of buildings, people working in smart services businesses.
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Regional Innovation Hub (B) theme session

, Online

How is BIM useful in demolition sites? Can it help reuse and recycle materials and demolition waste ? To answer these questions, The Belgian Regional Innovation Hub invites you to an interactive webinar where experts will present the use of BIM on circular demolition sites. This is one of a series of events this spring, under the theme of digital tools for sustainable and circular construction. See below the programme of this first interactive session on subjects related to digital tools for sustainable and circular construction.
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Transnational Innovation Hub review

, Online

On the 6th of October the 3th Transnational Innovation Hub was held by project partner WTCB-CSTC-BBRI. It was a lively session where the Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (LIST) presented the DDC Platform and the modules in this platform. They presented the tools developed and exchange with the actors present. Actors in the deconstruction/designers field had several questions about the use of these tools, the costs and which problems could occur in practice or the industry has no answer for yet. The results of this Hub will be taken into account in the further development of the platform. The input of the actors in the field is very useful for perfecting the definite digital platform.
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