
Découverte des coulisses de la rénovation pilote de Longueau

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Lundi 25 juin 2018, ICF Habitat Nord-Est a ouvert les coulisses de son chantier pilote de Longueau, près d’Amiens, qui consiste à rénover 12 pavillons Hlm des années 60 selon l’approche hollandaise EnergieSprong pour qu’ils atteignent le niveau « énergie zéro » (CAD ils produiront autant d’énergie qu’ils en consommeront). Co-financé par Interreg NWE et soutenu par l’ADEME et la CDC, ce projet E=0 est coordonné par Bouygues Bâtiment Grand Ouest, avec Pouget Consultants, Alterea, Dalkia, et le Studio d’architectes Ranson-Bernier. Read More

Moat presents designs to residents of first UK E=0 Energiesprong pilot in Maldon

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Preparations are moving fast for the near net zero energy retrofit of 5 homes in Maldon, Essex, owned by social housing provider Moat. This will be the first UK pilot using the innovative Energiesprong model to be supported by E=0 project funding from the European Union. Preferred bidder ENGIE has just received the results of a detailed technical survey, so will now confirm the price of the work and help detail the ‘comfort plan’ to be offered to residents. Planning applications went in at the start of June. Read More

Energiesprong wins 2018 World Green Building Council Award

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Tonight the World Green Building Council has awarded Energiesprong the prestigious David Gottfried Global Green Building Entrepreneurship Award for their unique and innovative contribution to the global green building movement. Jasper van den Munckhof, Founding Director of Energiesprong received the award from Lisa Bate, Vice-Chair of WorldGBC at the Awards Gala reception in Toronto, as part of the 'Building Lasting Change 2018 with WorldGBC Congress Canada'. Read More

Incubator Factory Zero launch a new smart version of their energy module

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Last month Factory Zero launched their new iCEM-i - a smart compact energy module that is integrated in the roof. It´s easy to install, small (less than 1m2) and reduces noise nuisance. Factory Zero continually improves and develops smart energy products. No wonder the demand for their products is rising every day. Founded in 2016 they sold 8 modules in 2017, 350 in 2018 and at present forecast sales of 1,500 modules for 2019. Read More

Breakthrough in financing net zero energy for apartment owners in the Netherlands

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Good news from the Netherlands regarding the Interreg E=0 project where the MRDH (Metropolitan Region Rotterdam - The Hague) is working together with homeowner associations to forge solutions to finance net zero energy retrofits for people who are members of a homeowner association. Recently the Ministry of the Interior, several provinces and local governments signed a statement of intent to develop a financial model that will help such homeowners to finance the retrofits. This is an important step towards establishing more sustainable housing stock before 2050. Read More

Involving tenants in the E=0 project in Luxembourg

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On January 25th, the Fonds du Logement organized a meeting with the Kiem building tenants. Along with the Fonds du Logement (FdL), Coeba Architects presented the project in detail. Neobuild was also present in order to tackle technical questions. Tenants were previously informed about this renovation but the meeting allowed going into more details and answering all questions and concerns. Read More

Energiesprong is hiring: Solution integrator E=0 retrofits

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The current state of market, with first demonstration projects under development in UK and FR, is in need for more OEM-like solution providers especially outside NL. Within the programme there is opportunity for a solution integrator to develop E=0 retrofit in a multidisciplinary group of component suppliers. The solution integrator should develop and showcase a new E=0 retrofit design which has potential to be replicable, built bottom up with a view to industrial produce them, developed to enable to bring costs down. Given the state of the various markets, we seek for an (aspiring) OEM in UK. Read More

Lancement des travaux du premier démonstrateur français de rénovation énergétique E=0

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Ce jour 22 Février 20188 marque à Hem le lancement des travaux de réhabilitation de 10 logements de Vilogia qui atteindront un niveau E=0 (énergie zéro garantie sur 25 ans). C’est le premier démonstrateur EnergieSprong en France. Né aux Pays-Bas, ce mouvement européen, coordonné en France par GreenFlex, vise à massifier les rénovations énergétiques ambitieuses. Ce premier projet bénéficie du soutien financier du programme européen Interreg NWE, de la Caisse des Dépôts et de l’ADEME. Read More

Solving technical issues in a creative manner

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Innovation always deals with resistance. E=0 is no different. The Luxembourgish refurbishment project-pilot is by far not an easy task. Recently, the chosen building had to face a challenge: the location of the electric/ventilation box. The technical task force came up with a solution: putting the technical boxes right under the roof, providing the best cost / efficiency ratio within such a short time frame. Team work was crucial in this case since many options were examined before deciding to locate the boxes on top of the building. That type of solution can now be shared with Partners and also provide a valuable experience for future refurbishments. It also clearly underlines that E=0 is a common effort both at national and international levels. Read More

Innovative new financial model to enable private apartment blocks to retrofit to Net Zero Energy

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Homeowners from a private apartment building in Assen have wanted to go to Net Zero Energy (NZE) for three years now. Now that they have secured finance they are finally set to realise this goal. Their homeowner association is the first in the country to finance a NZE project with financing that is building-linked. These types of pilots are essential for developing a nationwide financial product for these projects. Such a financial product would represent a great step forward in realising energy transition goals, as it would enable more private apartment buildings to adopt Net Zero Energy. And the good news is: building-linked finance has been included in the recent coalition agreement of the Dutch government. Read More