
Dutch local governments stimulate NZE for 15 homeowner associations

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In 2017 local governments in the province of South Holland are providing funding for 15 homeowner associations to refurbish their apartment buildings to Net Zero Energy. This funding is available to associations consisting of 25 dwellings or more and will be used to provide comprehensive advice and support for transitioning their homes. These 15 projects will also serve as a learning platform, as participants share their experiences and create a knowledge base for future refurbishments. Read More

First demonstrators houses selected in France

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The Vilogia and ICF Habitat housing associations are the first in France to retrofit 10 demonstrator houses to Net Zero Energy (NZE). Before starting, Vilogia spent one year working with team members from both Energiesprong Netherlands and Energiesprong France – GreenFlex to retransmit and adapt the revolutionary Dutch retrofitting model to the French market. The first demonstrator houses will be realised in December 2017 in northern France. Read More

A week in the life of an Energiesprong UK market maker

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Monday. Looking at shortlisted properties of Moat Housing and Affinity Sutton, our two housing providers in the e=0 project to deliver Energiesprong demonstrators in the UK. Each of them have used a set of filters to identify about 60 homes that would be ripe for a deep performance assured retrofit: they are ugly, non-descript boxes with low energy performance and below average level of repairs – and a solution provider can get to them easily as they are in one of the many sub-urban settlements that are so typical for England (that is if you put up with the dreaded speed humps and forget about the tiny little cul-de-sacs with small turning circles at the end…;-). So, how do we get them down to 10 that will be contracted? Learning from the Dutch: have a look at the residents – they will be making or breaking Energiesprong’s success in its early days. And it’s their energy bills that will be determining how much we can invest alongside the aggregated repairs & maintenance cost. Read More