News & Blogs

eMEN presented at the European Congress of Psychology - Moscow, Russia

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From July 2-5th 2019, the Belgian partners from Thomas More University of Applied Sciences attended the European Congress of Psychology taking place in Moscow, Russia. The main theme of the conference was ‘Psychology: creating the future together’ with different thematic tracks such as Psychology and Health and Psychology and Digital Future. These topics fit perfectly within the eMEN project on how technological applications can be used to improve mental healthcare. Read More

Digital innovation: trying to do things in a new way with the use of technology

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One of the speakers at the Cardiff seminar, ‘Digital Mental Health: Increasing access and equity’, was Helen Northmore. Helen is Programme Manager, Digital Health Ecosystem Wales and her task is building a network that improves developing digital healthcare. Main goal is to bring all the parties that are involved together: industry, social care, experienced users, IT-people. Marleen Swenne wanted to interview her about the theme of the seminar and also because she thought she knew a lot about the e-mental health users’ perspective, but that was not quite correct… Read More

Promoting safer (mental) health information exchange in the Netherlands

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In the Netherlands different types of healthcare service providers use different information standards and digital systems (sometime even within their own organisation). This makes the exchange of medical data and prevention of mistakes very complex. Healthcare is increasingly occurring in networks. These are networks between patients, care providers, colleagues and organisations conducting research and contributing to the improvement of quality. Also, there is a need for patients to access and retrieve their medical data and participate in their own treatment. Read More

eMEN project selected as RegioStars finalist 2019!

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On July 9th the eMEN project was selected as one of the finalists for the RegioStars Awards, during an official ceremony at the headquarters (Berlaymont Building) of the European Commission. The award was handed over by the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility, Marianne Thyssen, to the project lead partner Arq Foundation and the Interreg NWE program. Arq Foundation was represented by Oyono Vlijter (project lead) and Interreg NWE was presented by the program director, Ruut Louwers. Finalists are selected if their project has a high level of excellence, innovation and transferable solutions. The eMEN project consortium is very proud of this achievement and congratulates all other stakeholders that have supported this project. Read More