
EHEC 2020

, Madrid, Spain

The European Hydrogen Energy Conference (EHEC) is the Europe's conference of reference in the field of hydrogen energy. EHEC provides an excellent framework for updates on hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and represents the best setting to show the latest advances in research, projects and products.
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6. Hypos-Forum

, Dresden, Germany

In diesem Jahr wird das HYPOS-Forum – die Jahresveranstaltung des Zwanzig20-Konsortiums HYPOS – mit der bereits sechsten Ausgabe fortgesetzt. Gemeinsam mit 200 Gästen diskutiert das Wasserstoffsymposium über aktuelle Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich der Grünen Wasserstoffwirtschaft.
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Hydrogen Online Conference


HOC will be the largest online hydrogen event in 2020. Thousands of the world’s smartest hydrogen executives, experts, scientists and policy makers join Hydrogen Online Conference for one reason: The Content.
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INEC 2020

, virtual

The International Naval Engineering Conference and Exhibition is the foremost professional event in the naval engineer's calendar and in 2020 seeks to build on previous successes and expand its international credentials.
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