
Hot milk for calves thanks to the sun

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Jérôme Dutertre is a farmer (veal and pigs) in Mayenne, France. To reduce his energy bills and carbon footprint, he installed a FENGTECH solar thermal energy system on his farm in 2018. Mr Duterte needs hot water to feed the calves every morning and evening, and heating this water represented 70% of the energy required on his farm. Read an article about the positive impact of the solar thermal energy system after 3 years. In the article, Mr Dutertre says "It was the price of gas that motivated me to install the system. When I see the prices increasing now, I think it was a good decision.” Read More

ICaRE4Farms was at the TR2i

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FengTech and the University of South Brittany represented the ICaRE4Farms project at the Scientific Consortium TR2I in Saint-Malo on the 9th & 10th of June 2022. On Friday the 10th Liqun Feng presented the Icare4farms project, the Fengtech system and its application on the French pilot site and details of the energy-saving information from the pilot site. Read More