
Ocean DEMO opens 4th call, be part of our success

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The EU-funded Ocean DEMO project 4th call opens on 4 June 2021. Successful applicants will receive free access to test their ocean energy products and services in real sea environments at the project’s network of test centres. This new call will focus on supporting technology developers ready to deploy in 2021 or early 2022. Technology developers can apply for support packages to test multi-device farms or single devices able to scale up to multi-device in the future. Read More

Magallanes reinstall ATIR tidal turbine at EMEC

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EMEC has welcomed Spanish tidal energy developer Magallanes Renovables back to its tidal test site at the Fall of Warness in Orkney, Scotland. The successful reinstallation of Magallanes’ second generation 2 MW tidal platform ‘ATIR’ took place on 19 April 2021. The Magallanes team worked in collaboration with Orkney-based marine service provider Leask Marine, along with the Orkney Harbour Authority tug Thor, to install the platform in an operation lasting eight hours. Read More

Mocean Energy unveils wave energy prototype

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Wave power specialists Mocean Energy today unveiled their Blue X wave energy prototype which will take to the seas in Orkney next month. The 20-metre long, 38-tonne wave machine has been fabricated wholly in Scotland and will be deployed at the European Marine Energy Centre’s Scapa Flow test site for sea trials initially, and then later deployed at EMEC’s large scale Billia Croo test site this summer. Read More

Investor relationship survey

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Ocean DEMO's mission is to help the development of the Ocean Energy (OE) industry, by identifying the current and future challenges and by de-risking technologies through easy access to test sites. We are in the process of creating a brochure dedicated to Ocean Energy Investors, which can be used to promote OE as a profitable industry. To this end, we believe your input on your interactions with investors to date is valuable and would greatly inform this brochure. Read More

OPIN – Ocean DEMO Workshop

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OPIN is organising a workshop at OEE2020 in conjunction with the OceanDEMO project. Both projects have been in operation since 2019, are Interreg NWE funded and have been engaged in providing novel and innovative supports to help the Ocean Energy sector address challenges for development and deployment. Read More