
OIP4NWE WebTalk on PICs for LIDAR Systems

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To show the great impact of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) on the markets and to illustrate the high potential of this technological approach, the OIP4NWE consortium invites you to series of webinars, where stakeholders from different PIC application fields give insights in technological demands and opportunities and discuss the improvements by using the PIC technology. Read More

OIP4NWE - First eBulletin has been published

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The Interreg NWE project OIP4NWE aims at establishing an open innovation pilot line for the development of generic photonic integration technology. Integrated photonics is the emerging technology where the manipulation of light takes place on a chip, which could make some components an order of magnitude cheaper, smaller and more energy-efficient compared to today’s solutions. The eBulletin gives a first overview about the Open Innovation Photonic Integrated Circuits pilot line and the posibilities to participate especially for SMEs. Read More