Scottish Water

Address Country Website
55 Fairmilehead, Buckstone Terrace, Edinburgh , EH10 6YK United Kingdom


SW contributes to make the proof of concept of P recovery processes (A.T1.3). It sends dried sludges to Euphore plant (I1), tests at its wwtp the mobil-units of SPASH (I3) and STRUVIA (I6). It is even more implied in the design of plants for small-scale plant (A.T1.1) and test of them (I4 and I5) in real life conditions (A.T1.2). Together with GCU and ERI, and synergies with WWSIC, SW develops the businesss plan for Scotland (A.LT2) and engages exemplarly stakeholders (A.C.3).

Thematic priorities:

  • Resource & materials efficiency