
RED WoLF at Cork City Council Energy Awareness Day

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Cork City councils energy agency hosted an Energy Awareness day at the City Hall on Friday 24th February 2023. The aim was to make staff aware of measures they can take optimise energy consumption in the home and in the workplace. The event was supported by Irelands Office of Public Works “power of one” program. The RED WoLF project team hosted a stand at the event. Visitors were surprised to hear that electric storage heaters could be utilised to optimise energy consumption, reduce costs and most importantly reduce carbon emissions – all with a little help from the RED WoLF system. Read More

Successfull Partner Meeting in Cork

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Three exciting days lie behind the RED WoLF project team. After a warm welcome from the hosts in Ireland, the 6th Partner Meeting started with numerous presentations and discussions. During the visit to the RED WoLF Cork City Pilot houses, the members of the project partners team paid a visit to Corks Home Energy UpGrade Office or HEUGO. The office is the only one of its kind in Ireland offering free advice to home owners on how to retrofit their homes. The HEUGO promotes the RED WoLF project by having a banner on display and information leaflets available to the public. In this way the office raises awareness about the red-wolf system. Another highlight was the RED WoLF stakeholder event on Wednesday. The RED WoLF members had further interesting discussions in a pleasant atmosphere. Read More

Cork City Age Friendly Forum 09/02/2023

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The Cork City Age Friendly Forum held its quarterly meeting on the 09/02/2023 in the Council chambers. The forum is committed to creating inclusive and accessible urban environments to benefit the aging population of the city. At the forum attendees received a presentation on the Council’s activities to mitigate against climate change in the building and domestic home sector. Attendees were particularly interested in the RED WoLF system that has been installed in ten of the Councils social housing units. Attendees queried the systems costs and the suitability of storage heaters for use in older homes. They were surprised to hear that one user of the system claims to be saving €30 per month on his electricity bill as a result of the system being installed. Read More

RED WoLF meets RetroKit

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The presence of the red-wolf banner in Cork City Councils home energy upgrade office (HEUGO) is attracting attention from visitors. Citizens are calling into enquire about options for decarbonising their homes and their lives. What surprises them is that the Cork City Council is actively engaged in a novel and innovative project (RED WoLF) to decarbonise the electricity supply to their home. The acronym RED WoLF appeals to visitors as it conjures up images of being actively engaged. However most visitors fail to engage with the terminology – Rethinking Electricity Distribution Without Load Following. As a result the staff at the HEUGO stick to the term RED WoLF. There has been some interest in having the system installed in the home. Most peoples enquiries then lead onto the price point for the alogorithm and will the network operator facilitate the use of the system. Other building decarbonisation service providers have also shown an interest in the product including RetroKit who provide a platform for large landlords including local authorities and approved housing bodies that supports them in making decisions about which of their properties they should decarbonise first and provide a cost estimate for this. RETROKIT support the idea that the RED WoLF system will be a useful tool to add to the list of measures available to landlords and their tenants to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce the wastage of renewable electricity (from wind and solar) on the grid. Read More

👏 RED WoLF project in the anniversary publication of the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH)

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#Energy #poverty is a very present issue, especially in social housing. Thanks to Carbery Housing Association! We are delighted that our Interreg North West Europe (NWE) RED WoLF project is now featured in the anniversary edition of ICSH. Its 40th anniversary publication traces the development of the Irish Council for Social Housing and the expansion of its member recognised housing associations decade by decade from 1982 to 2022. Read More

RED WoLF: Congratulation for a successfull defense

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The end of the year is not far away. It is a turbulent time when we all strive to complete open-ended work. Paul Ortiz successfully did just that, defending his PhD thesis in mid-December with the topic: "Conception d'une système hybride de stockage de l'energie pour la reduction des émissions carbone dans l'habitat individuel", in English "Design of a hybrid energy storage system for the reduction of carbon emissions in individual housing". Paul did his research at the Research Center for Automatic Control (CRAN) in France. CRAN is a joint research unit between the University of Lorraine and the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) - Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies. Read More