
RegEnergy Tender Workshop

, Online

3cea hosted a RegEnergy Tender Workshop at 10 am on Wednesday, June 23rd. As part of the RegEnergy project, there is a need for a biogas boiler installation in Kilkenny and Wexford. This tender is going to be run through 3cea’s Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).
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, Internal online seminar

The session presented the Climate Protection Planner, a widespread municipal CO2 monitoring tool in Germany which measures the reduction of CO2 / greenhouse gas emissions on a yearly basis according to a standardized approach for municipalities. Focus was placed on the planned application which should make regional expansion potentials for renewable energies transparent.
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EU Regions Week Workshop

, Online event

A greener Europe will require local and regional authorities to increase the share of renewable energy in their production and consumption mixes. This workshop explored how regions and cities can join forces with rural communities to create renewable energy partnerships. Such partnerships help cities meet their demand for renewable energy from reliable regional supplies while strengthening the economic resilience of rural communities.
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