Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (SHICC)

Project Summary


Project overview

The Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities (SHICC) project seeks to support the establishment of more successful Community Land Trusts (CLT) in cities across the North-West European (NWE) region. Over the intial three-year project, (Sept 2017 - Sept 2020) it invested in four existing CLTs in Brussels, Ghent, Lille and London to ‘prove the concept’, create a supportive local, regional and national policy, funding and regulatory environment for CLTs and build a movement across the region. Now, during the capitalisation of the initial project (Sept 2020 - Sept 2021) the project will support an additional four country champions based in the Netherlands, Germany, Scotland and Ireland, take the work of creating a supportive funding environment further, and further strengthen the four initial pilot projects.

Affordability crisis

North-west Europe is in the midst of a housing affordability crisis, and as it continues to penetrate further into the fabric of our cities, their social and economic sustainability is being seriously threatened. More than 26 million people across the European Union are living in overcrowded and inadequate properties.

The solution

Amidst the crisis in housing, there is a growing movement of ordinary people across the region who are taking matters into their own hands; they are forming Community Land Trusts. In the absence of new housing supply through traditional housing models, CLTs offer an innovative and economically sustainable way of providing genuinely and permanently affordable homes. On top of this, they are enabling communities to take back control of their own neighbourhoods and create a better future that works for everyone.

What is a Community Land Trust? 

CLTs are non-profit, democratic, community-led organisations. They develop and manage homes that are affordable to low and median income households, as well as other assets that contribute to thriving local communities. They act as long-term stewards of these assets, ensuring they remain permanently affordable. This is achieved through mechanisms that ensure that any additional value generated is retained within the CLT.


By the end of the project we aim to have established a widespread movement of CLTs across the region and CLTs to be widely recognised as a mainstream option for housing supply and urban renewal in all countries.

#SHICC #CohesiveCities

Project Partners

  • Community Land Trust Bruxelles

    7 Avenue Wielemans Ceuppens

    View partner details

  • National Community Land Trust Network

    7-14 Great Dover Street
    SE1 4YR
    United Kingdom

    View partner details

  • vzw Samenlevingsopbouw Gent

    70 Blaisantvest

    View partner details

  • London Community Land Trust

    Oxford House Derbyshire St
    E2 6HG
    United Kingdom

    View partner details

  • Fonds Mondial pour le Développement des Villes (FMDV)

    47 avenue Pasteur

    View partner details

  • ATP supporting CLT Bijlmer

    De Ruijterkade 128, 1011 AC Amsterdam, Netherlands

    View partner details

  • Dumfries Galloway and Small Communities Housing Trust

    114 Drumlanrig Street, Thornhill, Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland, DG3 5LS

    View partner details

  • Self Organised Architecture

    Fumbally Exchange, Blackpitts, Dublin 8

    View partner details

  • id22 supporting Stadtbodenstiftung

    Wilhelmine-Gemberg-Weg 12, 10179 Berlin

    View partner details

  • Ville de Lille

    CS 30667 Place Augustin Laurent

    View partner details

Lead partner

Organisation Address Email
Ville de Lille CS 30667 Place Augustin Laurent
Name Contact Name Email Country
Community Land Trust Bruxelles Geert De Pauw Belgium
National Community Land Trust Network Catherine Harrington United Kingdom
vzw Samenlevingsopbouw Gent Frank Vandepitte Belgium
London Community Land Trust Stephanie Patterson United Kingdom
Fonds Mondial pour le Développement des Villes (FMDV) Jean-François Habeau France
ATP supporting CLT Bijlmer Joris Kramer Netherlands
Dumfries Galloway and Small Communities Housing Trust Annabel Pidgeon United Kingdom
Self Organised Architecture Tom and Colin Ireland
id22 supporting Stadtbodenstiftung Michael Lafond Germany
Ville de Lille

City of Lille will be the lead Partner of the project, support the WP Management and coordinate the partnership agreement. As lead partner, City of Lille is involved in all WPs in order to ensure their proper coordination and advancement. More specifically, City of Lille will be involved in the implementation of WP 4 pilots in conjunction with the OFSML.






The Organisme de Foncier Solidaire de la Métropole Lilloise (OFSML) is the subpartner of the City of Lille in this project. It is a non profit organistion, governed by a balance of public and private members, which produces permanently affordable homes in partnership with local authorities and developers. Alongside Brussels, Ghent and London it is one of the original four pilot projects supported by the SHICC project.




Community Land Trust Bruxelles

Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB) is the pioneer of the CLT model on the European continent. Since its creation in 2012, CLTB has delivered 9 homes and is currently in the process of developing another 120 housing units. Future residents and neighbours participate in planning and are represented on the Board, together with representatives from the government of the Brussels Capital Region. CLTB is recognised as a social housing partner in the Brussels Housing Bill, and has strong ties with the Brussels Region. In 2017, CLTB received two important national awards, recognising its innovativeness in the field of housing.

As initiator of the SHICC project, CLTB is in charge of the overall project management, together with the City of Lille (Lead Partner). As one of the four pilot projects, CLTB focuses on making its organisation stronger and more resilient by enhancing community involvement and by diversifying the financing of its operations. Through its involvement in the capacity building, long term effects and communication work packages, CLTB helps spreading the CLT model within the NWE region and supports emerging CLTs in order to overcome barriers. Finally, CLTB will be in charge of organizing the third supra-national event in 2020.





vzw Samenlevingsopbouw Gent

Supporting Communtiy Land Trust Gent, SLO Gent led the Workpackage 4 Pilots for the initial part of the SHICC project. During the capitalisation year from September 20-21 they will work to establish one social enterprise associated with the CLT.



Fonds Mondial pour le Développement des Villes (FMDV)

FMDV will be in charge of the coordination of the Financial models WP and will contribute to the other WPs. FMDV will mobilize its internal expertise and reach out to networks and partners (in particular from the finance community and local and regional governments) to analyse financial models, develop new financing approaches and engineering for CLTs, and disseminate best practices and tools developed within the project allowing systematizing the concept in NWE




London Community Land Trust

London CLT brings practitioner expertise as a CLT in the very expensive housing market of London. It has particular experience in engaging with communities and the state, based on a community organising approach. It is making the change from a grant-funded not for profit with a campaigning emphasis to a sustainable social enterprise, actively exploring a diverse range of social finance options. LCLT is keen to develop new ways to create sustainable funding.


South of Scotland Community Housing supporting the Midsteeples project

Website link: Contact:

Country Champion for Scotland – DGSCHT - A not for profit organisation supporting affordable housing in its region and piloting a community led housing project in urban area Dumfries – “Midsteeple Quarter”. This project aims to revitalise the town centre of the regional capital via a process of community ownership, within the wider Scottish legislative context of land reform and community empowerment. As part of the project the organisation will work to understand how the CLT model can be applied under Scottish legislation.




id22 supporting Stadt Boden Stiftung

Country Champion for Germany – id22 – A not for profit organisation supporting the establishment of the first German CLT in Berlin in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Its  establishment is in response to the ongoing crisis of rising land values and rents as well as the increasingly difficult access to housing. The initiative so far has brought together housing experts and activists, researchers and project developers across Germany.





ATP supporting CLT Bijlmer

Country Champion for The Netherlands - And The People (ATP) – A SME Organisation which is leading the establishment of the first CLT in Amsterdam, as well as linking efforts in Amsterdam and Rotterdam and establishing a national platform for CLTs. In Amsterdam CLT Bijlmer is the pioneering CLT that is supported by the start-up fund of the SHICC project. The idea for establishing a national platform is based on an extensive  network of initiatives that are interested in the CLT model in the Netherlands who have identified a number of areas that remain unclear regarding the implementation of the CLT model in the Netherlands.






Country Champion for Ireland - Self Organised Architecture (SOA). A not for profit organisation leading a year-long multi-stakeholder project to develop both community-led housing and the community land trust model in Ireland. The core aims of the project are to develop broad recognition of these approaches, to provide a platform for the exchange of expertise and to develop transparent mechanisms for communities and state agencies to establish community land trusts.



Contact: Padraig and Tom -



To pull this project off we are working with a variety of organisations. See below for the details of just some of the organisations we are working with. 


Housing Europe

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with Housing Europe.

Housing Europe is the European Federation of public, cooperative and social housing. In total, they manage 26 million homes - that's around 11% of all existing EU dwellings.



The Edith Maryon Foundation

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with The Edith Maryon Foundation

Land is a scarce commodity and therefore expensive. Usually too expensive for cheap housing and social or cultural projects, especially in the centers. Farms are also confronted with rising land prices and leases. The Edith Maryon Foundation  wants to withdraw land from speculation so that we or others can use it in a socially responsible way.



Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with FEANTSA

FEANTSA is the European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless. We are the only European NGO focusing exclusively on the fight against homelessness. Our ultimate goal is an end to homelessness in Europe.


City in the Making Association

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with City in the Making Association

City in the Making Association (Stichting Stad in de Maak) has since 2013 taken on the redevelopment of vacant properties in Rotterdam. Driven by hands-on communities we manage these building currently for a period of ten years. Five years on, we see our challenge beyond such “temporary vacancy management” and aim towards permanence in affordable housing and working spaces in collective ownership and management. And possibly even a step further: a long-term socially and economically sustainable life in the city, including our own baseline income.



Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with UrbaMonde-Suisse

UrbaMonde-Suisse is an NGO founded in 2005 in Geneva under the name Urbanistes sans Frontières- International (USFI).

urbaMonde-France, the French counterpart of the organization, was founded in December 2015 with the aim to consolidate our work at the European level.

Convinced that inhabitants should be at the core of the processes shaping the urban environment, urbaMonde’s mission is to support sustainable cities built “by and for their inhabitants”. Beyond supporting the emergence community-led habitat projects, our goal is to consolidate civic-public partnerships for a more sustainable and inclusive urban development. In order to do so, urbaMonde :

  • provides vulnerable populations in the Global North and Global South with the necessary tools to develop their local projects;
  • connects civil society actors through a common network to advocate for a participatory approach to urban and regional planning;
  • and collaborates with local authorities to integrate urban dwellers into their planning processes.

Locally, urbaMonde supports the development of housing cooperatives and participatory housing projects in Switzerland and France, providing technical assistance and advocacy tools to the inhabitant groups. Internationally, urbaMonde accompanies vulnerable inhabitant groups and their federations in the implementation of innovative and sustainable habitat projects. Finally, urbaMonde acts as a focal point on the Social production of habitat and is responsible for launching and coordinating a Global Platform on the topic.

In this context, urbaMonde is interested in exploring the role of innovative financing tools (community savings, revolving funds, etc.) and of new technologies (data collection, participatory online platforms, participatory mapping, etc.) in strengthening community organization and enhancing experience exchange.

urbaMonde was awarded the Ashoka Impact Award in 2012.


Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association

Founded in 2014 by investors and for investors, Long Term Infrastructure Investors Association works with a wide range of stakeholders, including infrastructure investors, policy-makers and academia, on supporting long-term, responsible deployment of private capital to public infrastructure around the world.

Our principal activities include:

public advocacy and engagement with policy-makers;
investment in research and innovation for the benefit of infrastructure investors;
education and training on long-term investing in infrastructure.
LTIIA is a not-for-profit international association and most of our members are institutional investors and fund managers with responsibilities over long-term and open-ended infrastructure investment mandates.




Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with FEBEA

For over 30 years, all over Europe, ethical and alternative financial firms have been created by citizens who sought to give another meaning to their money.

Founded in Brussels in 2001, FEBEA is the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks and Financiers.

It brings together financial institutions from 17 European countries with the aim of developing ethical and social finance in Europe. Together, these innovative and pioneering institutions work, each in its own country, to disseminate the importance and urgency of the development of ethical and solidarity-based financial models in the European economic and political area.


The Network of Territorial Communities for a Solidarity Economy (RTES)

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with The Network of Territorial Communities for a Solidarity Economy (RTES)

The Network of Territorial Communities for a Solidarity Economy (RTES) brings together local authorities who are committed to a charter for the development of the social and solidarity economy. In 2017, the network brings together more than 115 communities, regions, departments, intercommunalities and municipalities, which have shown the need for a space for exchanges and national coordination.


The Flemish Social Housing Society (VMSW)

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with The Flemish Social Housing Society (VMSW)

The Flemish Social Housing Society (VMSW) stimulates, advises and supports local housing actors. This way we can make high quality and affordable social housing in Flanders possible. Social housing companies (SHMs), social rental offices (SVKs), municipalities and OCMWs can contact the VMSW for a wide range of information and support.


ID22 - Institute for creative sustainability

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating with ID22

We are an international and integrative team with a variety of backgrounds and a common passion for creative sustainability. id22 brings together architects, planners, sociologists, artists, community developers and gardeners, educators and others. With members, partners and volunteers from many countries, we study and support pioneering local Berlin initiatives, recognizing there are crises emerging in the world around us. Our Institute emphasizes communication and networking, cooperation and conviviality.



Community Land Trust Bijlmer / Amsterdam

Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities is collaborating Community Land Trust Bijlmer / Amsterdam

The H-Neighborhood in the Bijlmer is one of the development neighborhoods in Amsterdam, in which both the municipality and housing corporations will invest extra in the coming years. In order to combat the segregation in Amsterdam and to allow inclusive urban renewal and affordable housing to come into being at the same time, we want to test the principle of the so-called Community Land Trust (CLT) in the H-Buurt of the Bijlmer.


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Launch of the “Foncier Solidaire France” network in Lille

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The City of Lille hosted a major event on November 15 and 16, 2018. It was the launch of the OFS network “Foncier Solidaire France”. The OFS network, initiated by Audrey Linkenheld, local councillor of Lille in charge of diversity and social innovation, brought various stakeholders together. This network will aim to promote the development of perennial affordable housing facilitating access to the property of modest households. Read More

The SHICC initiative would like to present our Start Up Fund Voucher Scheme.

Put simply, it is here to take your affordable Community Land Trust (CLT) housing scheme from an idea, to a thorough investment-ready business plan. With expert advice on hand, we will support communities, social enterprises and small organisations to answer whether a CLT is the right model for what you’re trying to achieve.

What’s a CLT?

CLTs are non-profit, democratic, community-led organisations. They develop and manage homes that are affordable to low and median income households, as well as other assets that contribute to thriving local communities. They act as long-term stewards of these assets, ensuring they remain permanently affordable. This is achieved through mechanisms that ensure that any additional value generated is retained within the CLT.

What does the Voucher Scheme offer?

Successful applicants to the scheme will be support through several stages.

Initially an advisor will help scope out your idea, with one day of support worth 650 euros. We are building a network of highly experienced advisors  across the North West Europe region who will travel to you and help you work out if a CLT is right for you.

If you decide that a CLT is right for you and your plans show potential, we will give you up to a further nine days of support with a technical advisor. They will help you set out clear aims for your CLT, develop a decision making process, start to develop your business plan, look at sites you might buy, and ensure you have a solid idea of what your next steps are.

Am I (and my group) eligible?

The Start Up Fund has three essential criteria which must be met by all applicants.

  • Applicants must be based in the North West Europe region
  • Applicants must be working in an urban location – at least or greater than 10,000 residents
  • Applications must be seeking to build affordable housing and meet the definition of CLTs (outlined above) within the legislation and policies of the country or region they reside
  • Applicants must be exploring or developing a scheme which prioritises the delivery of permanently affordable housing, whether or not they also propose to develop other assets. The CLT Start Up Fund will only offer incidental support towards the development of housing that is permanently affordable.

Applicants must be working towards incorporation (or already be incorporated) in a form which meets the definition of a CLT as described above. This can take the form of various legal entities such as a Company Limited by Guarantee, a Community Interest Company or an Industrial and Provident Society.

Applicants must be working towards a scheme which is at least 50% housing. We can only support schemes which will include permanently affordable housing although we will consider schemes which are delivering other assets in addition. If your scheme will deliver a mix of assets (for example, homes and commercial units) we will want to see that the majority of your focus is on the housing element of your scheme

How to Apply

To apply, please download the application form (download French version here) and return it to Polly Adams-Felton by post or email: National CLT Network, 7-14 Great Dover Street, London, SE1 4YR or

If you would like to speak to somebody more local to your project, do get in touch with any of the SHICC project partners. You can find the SHICC partner contact details here (French version here)  The first round of applications will be assessed by the partners at the end of the 2018 calendar year.

We are always pleased to offer early guidance or feedback on initial drafts of your application form. Please contact Polly Adams-Felton at or on +4420 3096 7793 if you would like to ask for advice. Alternatively, you can reach out to any of the SHICC project partners

For further information and guidance in completing your application, please read the Application Guidance document.