RAWFILL final event presentations ready for download

On the 10th of December 2020, the members of the RAWFILL project organized a live event over a videoconferencing platform to share their final conclusions and lessons learned with those interested in the topic of landfill mining. The RAWFILL team was joined by esteemed members of the waste management community to discuss their views and experiences on how waste management has been conducted in the past, and how they see it evolving in the coming years.
The event was attended by 137 individuals, originating from 11 European nations.

Feedback on the final event showed a extremely good reception, with over 90% rating the event 4/5 or higher.

We are happy to now also share with you the presented materials for those of you who were unable to attend the event and/or want to review the presented materials.

The slides can be downloaded using the links below, or you can find them in the “Downloads” section.


RAWFILL Presentations:

1. RAWFILL The contribution of RAWFILL to the valorisation of LF ressources CNeculau

2. RAWFILL-Landfills-threats and opportunities measured through ELIF RDeRijdt

3. RAWFILL-what is the future of landfills in NWE -CEDALION EWille

4. RAWFILL-Orion-1 EWille

5. RAWFILL-Orion-2 CIsenborghs

6. RAWFILL- workflow for LF characterization using geophysics and targeted sampling_CINauen

7. RAWFILL-Presentation of Interreg NWE_MMori

8. RAWFILL-End Of Waste_DDimitriescu

9. RAWFILL- Landfill mining_YTielemans

10. RAWFILL-Mining waste recycling_LMachiels

11. RAWFILL Ecological restoration of ONOZ site_students from DA SMAP Lille

12. RAWFILL-Applying the Brownfield Opportunity Matrix to landfills_PBardos

13. RAWFILL-MCA for LFM concept_GSauve

14. RAWFILL-How to develop a business case for a LFM project_Fellner & Wille

15. RAWFILL_Upcycling plastics recovered from landfill _S.Wagland

16. RAWFILL-Logistics in Wallonia_LGenot

17. RAWFILL-Landfill reclamation driven by Land Use Change_DScott

18. RAWFILL-réhabilitation de l'ancienne décharge de Bordes LMarchand


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