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On Thursday, November 4, 2021 you are most welcome to join the webinar about TRANSFORM-CE in English. The project team will then tell you what it is looking for and provide examples of business support opportunities. You can register for the webinar. After registration you will receive the login details for the webinar. Read More

Sustainable embankment in the De Hoge Vaart canal at Almere

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Traditionally, embankments are made of concrete or hardwood. These materials have one major disadvantage and that is that over time, they start rotting and crumbling away where they meet the water and thus require regular maintenance and replacement. The Province of Flevoland in the Netherlands will soon start a pilot that involves placing a sustainable embankment along the Hoge Vaart waterway at close to the town of Almere. Read More

Haval Business Case

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One of the activities of the TRANSFORM-CE project is researching circular business models of companies. In July 2021 a new law goes into effect, banning many plastic SUP disposables. This has a huge impact on the business of Haval, who has been producing such products for over 35 years. Read More

In the Spotlight: 10XL Business Case Study

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An important component of the TRANSFORM-CE project is understanding the business context for creating a circular economy for single use plastic waste. To achieve this, several case studies are in the process of being completed with exemplary examples, benchmarking existing circular economy business models, and paving the way forward for wider uptake across the North-west Europe region. One such company is 10XL in the Netherlands. Read More