Action & Activity

CNCP - The building site starts (FR)

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The construction of the future CNCP training centre is started! With the first batch of asbestos removal/demolition carried out by the company Eccodec during a week and a half of work. This future building will house the CNCP training centre with a theoretical training room and a practical training area, as well as reception areas for trainees. The project involves both rehabilitation and construction on a site that includes two buildings listed as historical monuments: the Feuillette house built in timber frame and straw insulation (1920) and its shed. After 4 versions of sketches, the project was validated and the building permit was submitted in June 2021. The rehabilitation part will be carried out with an ITE with wood wool. The new building will be built in wood with local essences, prefabricated walls and straw insulation. Read More

News from The Bale House at Hastings Country Park (UK)

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Since its official opening on 4 June, The Bale House Visitor Centre at Hastings Country Park has received many visitors. The Bale House organises community, family and heritage activities in the park and at the Bale House Visitor Centre in Firehills, and offers a wide range of volunteering experiences to local people. The building serves its purpose perfectly for volunteers and visitors alike! See the dedicated FB page : Read More

EPD – Environmental product declaration for Straw as insulation material (UK)

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The purpose of this EPD is to compile environmental data of materials and products used in the built environment. So that the environmental data can be used in calculations of buildings and / or civil works or an LCA of the final product. Find all the details of the report on the ESBA website: Read More

Straw building official context and Policy report (UK)

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Barbara Jones and Eileen Sutherland from the School of Natural Building, have piloted this report with the participation of John Butler, sustainability consultant and Julia Bennett, architect, both of whom are well known in the UK for their work on green building development. This report presents a survey of public policies and regulations in the five project partner countries over the period 2018-2020. It identifies current barriers and aims to list specific actions to be implemented to foster the development of the straw building market, particularly for public buildings. Read More