Action & Activity

MOOC Building for change - Naturally (FR)

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The partners of the UP STRAW project are working together on a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on straw construction. The objective of this MOOC is: to allow people from the construction world to discover or deepen the techniques of straw construction and for the most initiated to know this type of construction. It is the development of the straw industry that is targeted here by the mass diffusion of this construction method. But, by the way, what is a MOOC? It is an online training (what is called e-learning training), totally free, short, which allows anyone who wants to learn, to discover different fields, by training at his own pace. MOOCs exist in many different sectors: linguistics (learning a language), food, IT, management, building... The learner registers on the platform of his choice: FUN (France Université Numérique), mymooc or as for our MOOC: MOOC Bâtiment Durable (MOOC sustainable building platform), supported by ADEME. The learner chooses the MOOC he is interested in and registers for it. A MOOC generally lasts between 3 to 7 weeks with 2 to 3 hours of learning per week. At the end of the MOOC, a general test is taken to validate the knowledge acquired by generating a certificate of achievement (70% correct answers for example). This is a professional asset because it shows the person's ability to learn throughout his or her life and in complete autonomy. Our MOOC, what will he be like? Its name : Building for change - Naturally Number of sequences: 6 composed of 3 to 4 modules each. Sequence 1: Inspirations and origins Sequence 2: Straw as a building material Sequence 3: Construction method Sequence 4: Building physics Sequence 5: Finishes Sequence 6: Project Management Languages: Bilingual English / French to allow all European partners to disseminate it according to the priority language used in their country. Partners involved in the project: England, the Netherlands, Belgium and France, through the ACCORT-Paille agency which is the lead partner of this project. Expected start date: October 2020. Read More

Regional study on straw construction (FR)

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In conjunction with the CERC (Cellule Economique Régionale de la Construction), a market study is underway on the data to be known to assess its development potential and to help the straw sector and its players as best as possible, on the scale of Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. Three questionnaires will be sent to straw bale producers, architects, contractors and companies. These data will enable us to make an initial assessment after 2 years of structuring the sector Read More

Call to the territories (FR)

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At the beginning of May, ECHOBAT launched a call to develop local solidarity-based eco-construction in territories for all the professional actors in charge of regional planning policies, economic development, housing and ecological transition. In a process of co-construction with the various stakeholders in the territories (inhabitants, craftsmen, associations, institutions, etc.), in support of local public policies, by working closely with elected officials and local government departments, ECHOBAT wishes to take action to implement concrete actions: - raising awareness and training in eco-construction and solidarity among the actors of a territory, - implement operational partnerships that meet the expectations of local policies on this theme, - Supporting territories in structuring or innovative planning and economic development projects through participative approaches, - getting involved in the construction of public or private facilities: programming, design, or new construction or renovation. Read More