
French Agricultural show | 23 February > 3 March / France

, Paris Porte de Versailles

This year's 2019 Agricultural Show was held from February 23rd to March 3rd, 2019. Official figures indicate that 633,213 visitors walked the show aisles in 2019, CNCP and its sub partners were able to present for 9 days the benefits of straw construction in Hall 3 which is the liveliest of all the living room. Several presentations to the microphone a day, meeting with straw producers. Detailed presentations of the straw construction and qualities of the material to the general public, to several groups of students, and some curious professional Meeting with the institutions in this case the IDF region president who is already familiar with straw construction.
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5-day TRAINING | December 10-11-12-17-18 / Belgium

, Mons - Belgium

For 5 days, 15 construction professionals learnt about straw construction with two French trainers. One part of the training was dedicated to theoretical knowledge: acquire knowledge of professional standards for wood frame construction insulated with straw, learn about thermal insulation and building physics or be able to explain technical details. A significant part of the training was focused on practice: implement straw bales, build a wood frame, implement bays and equipment, facing and maintenance.
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1-day VISITS | December 5 / Belgium

, Liège - Belgium

On December 5 we organized a hole day dedicated to straw construction for students from Helmo school in Liège from technical sales representative section. In the morning, Hugues Delcourt from the Cluster Eco-construction, introduced the students to straw construction. He explained the characteristics of straw: thermal performances, fire resistance, air quality, humidity transfers and life cycle analysis. Then he talked about straw construction: construction techniques, advantages and disadvantages and the legal context. To conclude, he showed examples of straw construction and the costs related. In the afternoon, the students visited first the Waldcube. It is a small pre-fab housing unit designed to be moved and self-sufficient. The structure is made of wood and is insulated with straw. Then the ecocenter in Liège. They built a shelter with the load-bearing technique and renovated their roof with pre-fab straw structures from Paille-Tech company.
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1-hour CONFERENCE | November 18 / Belgium

, Namur - Belgium

Hugues Delcourt from the Cluster Eco-construction held a conference during the fair dedicated to alternative and innovative housing. The visitors had the opportunity to learn about straw construction and the numerous qualities of straw material: thermal insulation, natural humidity regulation and healthy indoor climate. Various examples in Wallonia were presented: individual housings but also schools and offices.
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3-hours INTRODUCTION TRAINING | November 15 / Belgium

, Namur - Belgium

Hugues Delcourt from the Cluster Eco-construction talked to construction professionals about straw construction for 3 hours. After a short introduction he explained more in detail straw material: its characteristics, thermal performances, fire resistance, air quality, humidity transfers and life cycle analysis. The second part of the evening was dedicated to straw construction: construction techniques, advantages and disadvantages and legal context. To conclude, he showed examples of straw construction and the costs related
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