Programme implementation documents

Interested in knowing more about the NWE Programme impact and achievements? Have a look at the documents below which give a picture of the 2014-2020 Programme progress and results.

The most recent document is the Final Impact Evaluation, which was finalised in November 2023, and evaluates the overall impact of the Interreg NWE 2014-2020 Programme. With a total of 102 projects supported and 1168 partners involved, the impact evaluation analyses the contribution of the Programme to changes in the area. It evaluates the Programme's outputs and target achievement, the project results, benefits, and impact, as well as the contribution to territorial development, cohesion, and competitiveness in the NWE area.

The impact evaluation of the 2014-2020 Programme underlines the high financial absorption of the funding available by projects - in line with the needs described in our Cooperation Programme - and puts forward some of the most remarkable outputs of our transnational projects.

Specifically, we can highlight the following results:

  • EUR 456 million of additional funding leveraged by projects
  • Over 1,100 new jobs and more than 1,600 jobs maintained
  • Almost 4,000 enterprises having received support
  • Almost 1,200 having co-operated with research institutions
  • More than 1,100 enterprises having introduced new products to the market

Behind these figures, the full report highlights how the Programme addressed disadvantaged territories and social groups, how it increased decision-makers' capacity to solve challenges across various policy fields and economic sectors, and contributed to reducing economic, social, and environmental disparities ultimately improving the quality of life of NWE citizens.

Final Impact Evaluation


Implementation evaluation

Final Communication Evaluation 2020

Final Implementation Evaluation Report 2018

Evaluation of the two-step approach 2017

Annual Implementation Reports (AIR)

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