
BioBase4SME Training: Communicating Sustainability

, White Rose Brussels Office, Nordic House, Rue du Luxembourg 3, 1000 Brussels

The bioeconomy is a concept many people are still confused by or unaware of. However, consumers are increasingly willing to spend money on products with strong environmental credentials. Bio-based alternatives with a strong sustainability narrative can help to meet growing demand for these solutions. You are invited to join a training workshop tailored to bioeconomy SMEs on the benefits of sustainability communications and how to develop strategies to boost the marketability of your products.
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BioBase4SME Workshop: Biobased Delta Business Development Dag “Grenzeloos Biobased Ondernemen”

, Bio Base Europe Training Center, Zeelandlaan 2, 4538 CA Terneuzen, The Netherlands

Biobased Delta organiseert ieder jaar een Biobased Business Developmentdag voor ondernemers. Dit jaar organiseert Biobased Delta de bijeenkomst samen met Flanders Biobased Valley ism oa. Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant met als doel: het stimuleren van de internationale samenwerking op het gebied van biobased business.
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