
White paper on Carbon Credits and Ecosystem Services

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A new white paper on Carbon Credits and Ecosystem Services jointly launched by the EU Carbon-Connects & Care-Peat projects at the A3CA webinar Sustainable Farming for Peatlands, has found that with the right framework in place it should be possible to finance the restoration of damaged peatlands, significantly reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and provide a good living for farmers all at the same time. Read More

Partners across the Planet welcome Irish Peatland Restoration Initiative

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The GP3 campaign is supported by the United Nations Environment Programme’s Global Peatlands Initiative. Dianna Kopansky, Global Peatlands Coordinator has recognized the initiative by Bord na Móna (Irish Peat Board) to restore damaged peatlands as part of an overall plan to restore more than 50,000 hectares of Irish peatlands, saving millions of tonnes of Carbon, massively improving Biodiversity and boosting the Irish rural economy, in the count down to the UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP26) in Glasgow UK later this year. Read More