
Ready to take up a challenge? Collaborate with leading MedTech companies to tackle diagnostic challenges and open the path for partnership exploration with Meet&Match.Dx.


Join the Meet & Match.Dx, a challenge-based acceleration programme that connects SMEs developing breakthrough diagnostic solutions with major pharmaceutical and medical technology companies in Europe through tailored workshops and one-to-one pitch sessions, with the aim to explore partnership opportunities.
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IVDR Celebration Week

, Online

Med-Di-Dia (MDD) and Global Regulatory Services (GRS) are broadcasting a series of fireside chats throughout the week of 25th April – 29th April 2022, where our experts and resource partners shall talk and answer various questions around the IVD Regulations coming into effect from 26th May 2022!
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From research & product development to market uptake within the diagnostics sector

, Online Seminar

The recent Corona pandemic taught us the importance of getting new diagnostics to market rapidly for keeping public life and the economy running. Join this online seminar to gain a clear overview of how to navigate from the development of your diagnostic, through intellectual property and financing issues, to market access. Meet our experts face-to-face to get tailored support for your diagnostic product. This event is part of the Interreg NWE project Codex4SMEs which aims to support SMEs along the full diagnostics development value chain.
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Workshop: DIGI-B-CUBE: Innovation challenges in medical diagnostics and how SMEs solve them

, Online

“DIGI-B-CUBE” is an EU-funded project implemented by 8 European partners. In 2020 and 2021 calls for cooperative projects from IT and health were launched with the aim of supporting the most valuable approaches to solve challenges especially in the fields of biosensing, bioimaging and biobanking. Out of 400+ applications the 33 most promising ideas born by 81 SMEs were selected for funding. This online-session will show how clusters can use cascade funding to support SME innovation and vice versa how SMEs can use cascade funding to move on with their ideas.
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Diagnostics-4-Future Conference

, Konstanz, Germany

‘Diagnostics-4-Future Conference‘ is the international meeting-place for users and providers from industry and science. Based on questions in medical care, clinics and laboratories, innovative solutions for new diagnostics are discussed including research and development. The focus is also on solutions for rural areas (point-of-care). Organizer is the international health network BioLAGO. The conference emerged from the DiagNET project.
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The new era for prevention & Diagnostics - Opportunities for SMEs and Corporates

, online

Stronger together. The EEN, the Interreg NWE projects Codex4SMEs, Boost4Health, MATMED, the COSME-project CELIS and the H2020-project Digi-B-Cube join forces to reach a new level of innovation and strength in diagnostics and prevention in Europe. Health and diagnostics stakeholders will gain insights into accelerating diagnostics development, IVDR, reimbursement and market access. Discover various European networks that aim to improve healthcare delivery. Moreover, new Horizon Europe calls on health challenges with a special focus on diagnostics and prevention will be presented. In the matchmaking session, take the chance to express your interest in building partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders from the health sector!
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