News & Blogs

eMEN project showcased Moodbuster app at the European Week of the Regions & Cities

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eMEN project presented their Moodbooster app at the European Week of the Regions & Cities. The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. Read More

‘ESIF for Health’ project in Budapest, Hungary

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On September 18th and 19th the eMEN project was presented by lead partner Arq at the 2-day workshop of the ‘ESIF for Health’ project in Budapest, Hungary. The aim of the ESIF project is to gather knowledge on how the European structural and investment funds are used to support health investments in the 2014-2020 programming period. In addition, the project promotes development capacities of Member States and regions to support the effective implementation of ESIF for health. Read More

The future of the Dutch mental health sector

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In July 2018 the main Dutch mental health stakeholders (including Mental Health Netherlands and the Ministry of Health) agreed on a joint ambition for mental health. This ambition clearly shows that the Dutch mental health landscape will change quickly in the coming years. There will be a strong focus on integrated care and care in the right place. The latter essentially means: prevent expensive care, provide care closer to home (if possible), provide more ambulant care and replace regular care with other support such as eHealth. Read More

Clever ECAs in Dutch Moodbuster-study

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Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) are computer-generated characters that simulate human-like behaviors to communicate with users. Can ECAs be used to bridge the gap between guided and unguided online interventions for mental health disorders? What is the effectiveness of ECAs used in internet interventions for the treatment of (light to mild) depression? Do they have a positive effect on rates of client adherence to treatment? Simon Provoost, PhD student at VU University, investigated the effectiveness of ECAs in online interventions for depression. Read More

Transnational Policy Solution – an update

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Previously, the eMEN work package ‘Transnational policy solution for e-mental health implementation’ has been introduced in the Summer newsletter. We have discussed its goal to enhance the e-mental health implementation process, and how the policy solution will be developed by performing a series of interrelated actions involving multiple stakeholders. Read More