
Visit of the GROOF project

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On 5 June 2019, Claude Turmes, Minister for Energy and Town and Country Planning, visited Bettembourg at the Institut de Formation Sectoriel du Bâtiment in order to find out on the spot how the GROOF (Greenhouses to Reduce CO2 on Roofs) project carried out as part of the Interreg North-West Europe 2014-2020 programme is being put into practice. Read More


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Thursday 13 June 2019 - Ecole Centrale Nantes Amphitheatre As part of the European Interreg GROOF project, which develops and analyses the synergies between greenhouses for plant production and architecture, a morning of exchanges and discussions is organised with professional actors from Nantes in this new urban dynamic. Architects, urban farmers, local authorities, the agricultural world and builders will come to develop their views on the future of Nantes and its urban agriculture... and architecture! Come and discover and exchange with them, on June 13th at the Amphitheatre of the Ecole Centre, to understand and build together our cities of the future. Read More

Living City Conference "Urban Farming & Green Buildings" : GROOF in the spotlight!

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The international LIVING CITY conference is back ! The theme of this new edition will be Urban Farming and the green buildings. Don't miss THE "urban farming" meeting in the presence of the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development Carole DIESCHBOURG who will present the national Urban Farming strategy and where the GROOF project will be in the spotlight ! Read More

GROOF idea goes global

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9th International Circular Economy Week & Conference took place at Environmental Campus Birkenfeld on 22 – 26 October 2018. Prof. Dr. Peter Heck, the Managing Director of IfaS, introduced GROOF to the international audience during his welcome speech on Green Growth. He addressed the issue of CO2 emission reduction and the importance of cross-sectoral approach. Read More