Project Summary

The HECTOR projectHydrogen Waste Collection Vehicles in North West Europe – will deploy and test 7 fuel cell garbage trucks, in 7 pilot sites across the north west Europe area:

  • Aberdeen (Scotland),
  • Groningen (Netherlands),
  • Arnhem (Netherlands),
  • Duisburg (Germany),
  • Herten (Germany),
  • Touraine Vallee de l’Indre (France),
  • Brussels (Belgium).

The aim of the HECTOR Project is to demonstrate that fuel cell garbage trucks provide an effective solution to reduce emissions from road transport in the North West Europe area.

The 7 pilot sites will cover a wide range of operational contexts. While some of the trucks will be operated in city centres, others will be tested in rural areas. Some of the vehicles will collect municipal waste on a fixed schedule, other will collect industrial waste on a flexible schedule. The trucks deployed in the project will range from container trucks to front arm loading trucks, both left- and right-hand drive.

The project aims to test the vehicles in normal operating conditions. The trucks will use existing hydrogen refuelling infrastructure and when possible, the pilot sites will use green hydrogen to fuel the trucks, thus maximising the emission reductions.


Why is the HECTOR Project needed ?

The effects of high levels of GHG emissions from the transport sector on health and quality of life are now widely recognised. Decarbonisation of road transport has therefore become a major topic for cities and regions, which are developing and implementing ambitious emission reduction policies.

Garbage trucks are directly procured by local authorities or waste management authorities; the public sector can therefore have
a direct influence on the purchase of these vehicles and the decarbonisation of garbage trucks fleets.

Fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs), using hydrogen as a fuel, are one of the solutions which enable a complete decarbonisation of
the transport system well to wheel. However, they remain a costly option and only a few zero emission garbage trucks have
been deployed and developed in Europe.


Expected results

The HECTOR project is designed to enable a smooth introduction of a zero-emission technology in conventional fuels fleets. It will therefore lay the grounds for upscaling and further deployment of fuel cell garbage trucks in these fleets in the near future. Each deployment site
will aim to continue the operation of the trucks after the end of the project and to gradually replace conventional fuel trucks by
fuel cell trucks.



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Project meeting in Aberdeen -30th of September 2019

Posted on 30-09-2019

The project partners gathered on the the 30th of September in Aberdeen to present the progress of the work packages and the first results of the project. Since all partners have la... Read more

Project partner Touraine Vallée de l’Indre opens Hydrogen fuelling station

Posted on 24-09-2019

This Saturday the 21st of September 2019, our project partner Communauté de Communes Touraine Vallée de l’Indre opened their first Hydrogen refuelling station in Sorigny. The new s... Read more

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Project Partners

  • Aberdeen City Council

    Marischal College Broad Street
    AB10 1AQ
    United Kingdom

    View partner details

  • Municipality of Groningen

    1 Grote Markt
    9712 HN

    View partner details

  • PreZero Disposal, Recycle and Dual System

    10 Mr. E.N. van Kleffensstraat
    6842 CV

    View partner details

  • Publicly owned venture of the municipality of Duisburg

    190 Schifferstraße

    View partner details


    12 Avenue de Broqueville

    View partner details

  • Touraine Vallee de l'Indre Municipalities

    6 Place Antoine de St Exupéry

    View partner details

  • AGR Waste Management Services

    11 Im Emscherbruch

    View partner details

  • HAN University of Applied Science

    29 Ruitenberglaan
    6826 CC

    View partner details

Name Contact Name Email Country
Aberdeen City Council Amy Perry United Kingdom
Municipality of Groningen Jasper Tonen Netherlands
PreZero Disposal, Recycle and Dual System Edwin Kramer Netherlands
Publicly owned venture of the municipality of Duisburg Mirco Wagner Germany
ARP-GAN Andre Dewilde Belgium
Touraine Vallee de l'Indre Municipalities Aurelie Michel France
AGR Waste Management Services Frank Aulkemeyer Germany
HAN University of Applied Science Bram Veenhuizen Netherlands


Second HECTOR Waste Truck launch

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In the context of the Interreg HECTOR program - a program financed by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and wich brings together European local authorities with Sorigny as the only French town - the Touraine Vallée de l'Indre Community of Municipalities is the proud owner of the only example of a hydrogen garbage truck in France. Read More

Launch Event of First Hydrogen Powered Waste Vehicle

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Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg (WBD) in Duisburg launched the first hydrogen powered waste disposal vehicle. WBD is the first municipal company in Germany to use this type of vehicle. It is an important milestone on the way towards sustainable waste disposal and a low emission fleet. The new vehicle is estimated to achieve a range of up to 285km, storing a maximum of 16.4kg of hydrogen and will be refuelled every two days. This is the first of 7 hydrogen powered waste vehicles to be rolled out over the next year across North West Europe with the Interreg NWR HECTOR Project. The launch event took place on Wednesday, 2nd December 2020. Read More

Letter of cooperation between European fuel cell garbage truck projects

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On Friday the 6th of December 2019, three European projects, developing and deploying refuse trucks powered by fuel cells and hydrogen, signed a letter of cooperation. The projects will cooperate on the creation of awareness for fuel cell vehicles in waste collection through the co organisation of events and the dissemination of projects materials and outputs. They will share and collect lessons learned and experiences, thereby accumulating necessary information for fleet operators, OEMs and policy makers. Their efforts and strengths will support and facilitate the future uptake of fuel cell garbage trucks into waste collection fleets across Europe. Read More



2019/05/28 – Waste Management World – ‘HECTOR Project to Demonstrate Hydrogen Fuel Cell Refuse Collection Vehicles’ - by Ben Messenger


2019/05/30 – Fuel Cells Bulletin – ‘HECTOR Project to Demonstrate Fuel Cells in Garbage Trucks Fleets’


2019/05/30 - FuelCellsWorks – ‘HECTOR Project Launches to Demonstrate the Benefits of Hydrogen Fuel Cell technology to Decarbonise Garbage Truck Fleets’ - by FuelCellsWorks


2019/05/30 - Hydrogen Fuel news – ‘Hydrogen garbage trucks to be tested in North West Europe’


2019/05/30 – Gasworld‘HECTOR project launches to deploy fuel cell garbage trucks’ – by Molly Burgess


2019/06/08 – Info Tours – ‘Sorigny va tester un camion poubelle à hydrogène’


2019/06/19 – Duurzaam Actueel – Huisvuilwagen op waterstof in regio Arnhem Nijmegen’


2019/06/19 – Transport Milieu – ‘Regio Arnhem-Nijmegen krijgt Scania huisvuiltruck op waterstof’


2019/07/09 – RP Online – ‘WBD testen Brennstoffzellen-Müllwagen


2019/07/12 – Flottes Automobiles –Mobilité hydrogène : les projets se concrétisent dans les territoires’ – by Manon Lamoureux


2019/08/27 – EUWID Recycling und Entsorgung Nr 35.2019 – „AGR: Wasserstoffbetriebenes Sammelfahrzeug im jahr 2020“


2019/09/18 – Westdeutsche Allgemeine WAZ – “Muellwagen, die quasi mit Muell fahren“ – by Frank Bergmannshoff


2019/09/21 - Hydrogen Today – “Touraine Vallée de l’Indre inaugure sa station H2” - by Laurent Meillaud


2019/11/10 – Haltner Zeitung –  "Dieser LKW faehrt bald mit Wasserstoff durch die Region“ – Falko Bastos


Duisburg was Germany's first municipality to use a hydrogen-powered waste truck.

WBD Launch 2nd December 2020



European projects REVIVE and HECTOR pioneer the use of hydrogen refuse trucks in Groningen

HECTOR and REVIVE projects cooperation

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