
A look back to the hackathon in Namur !

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The CNP Saint-Martin, NEW asbl, the BEP, and the KIKK organized IT4Anxiety’s fourth Hackathon at the TRAKK, a creative hub in Namur. The 54 hours event was held on 20-22 April 2022 and was filled with the creative energy of participants who were eager to learn, innovate and co-create with the aim of developing innovative solutions in mental health. It was our first physical hackathon (after three online ones) and was a great success! Read More

AARDEX Group joins IT4Anxiety !

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Belgium-based AARDEX Group, the global leader in Digital Adherence Monitoring Software, today announced they have joined the IT4Anxiety project – supporting the implementation of innovative solutions to reduce the anxiety of patients with neurodegenerative diseases or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Read More

Anxiety, technology and you !

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Our training has found its name: Anxiety, technology and you!   It is part of the continuing education process and is for all healthcare professionals. The objective is to give them the keys to be part of the evolution of care and to integrate the notions of technology in the care services, in addition to the traditional ones. Moreover, the training is clinical and based on the care relationship. It also informs about anxiety and its bio-psycho-social impact. Read More

Participate at our IMAGINE study !

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The IMAGINE study conducted within the IT4Anxiety project aims to describe and analyse the use, acceptance, needs, and representations of users of new technologies for anxiety management. All stakeholders (People living with and/or dealing with anxiety, care providers, and health professionals) are invited to participate by filling out the survey ! Read More