
Verduurzamingsproject MustBe0

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Dat verduurzaming van het woningbezit een van Woonmeij’s speerpunten is, mag geen verrassing zijn. Toch is er een innovatief project dat extra het noemen waard is: MustBe0. Woonmeij speelt hierin een voorlopersrol als het gaat om verduurzaming van gestapelde bouw. Wij doen proces- en techniekkennis op en heel Europa kijkt mee! Read More

Return flight to the Partner Days

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How amazing it was to see all of you again! It was definitely worth the wait. A big thank you for your engagement, input and presence. Travelling is not yet as easy as it used to be, but most of you braved the hassle of attending. Very much appreciated! As promised, we’ve selected the highlights of the event and you’ll also find the presentations as links in this flight to the Partner Days overview. As we had the opportunity to spend some time in BlueCity, a circular old tropical swimming pool, we thought you’d also like to see the photos taken during the day. Follow the link and Enjoy! Read More

Invite Partner Days Mustbe0 11 & 12 October 2021

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Just before we all started to enjoy our summer breaks, we asked you to block out 11 & 12 October in your calendars for the first live partner meeting in 1 ½ years. Because the Covid-19 travel restrictions changed constantly over summer, it was far from a sure thing whether we could move forward with our Partner Days. But.. we made it! A few final quarantine requirements were dropped yesterday and so we are thrilled to hereby officially invite you to the Mustbe0 Partner Days! Read More