
Red Wolf at EirGrid public networking event

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EirGrid, Irelands electricity transmission grid operator has been reaching out to the general public showing how they are actively working with the power generators a and other s to decarbonise the supply of electricity to the home owners. Much change is needed. Most of the changes will be seamless. Some of the change will concern Demand Response control and load shifting. In this environment the RED WoLF system can make a significant contribution. EirGrid hosted a community event in Ballyphehane community centre in Cork city on the evening of the 10th November to explore and explain the impact of these changes on peoples lives. The meeting was attended by over one hundred people. Cork City Council provided a stand at the event highlighting the work the Council is doing to decarbonise the city. There was considerable interest in the RED WoLF project as citizens engaged with the council to learn more about the RED WoLF systems possibilities and opportunities to purchase same. The Councils representative (Mr. Brian Cassidy) stated that the system was now installed in ten of its social houses. Data on electricity consumption patterns is being collected and will be used to charge the battery and the electric storage heaters at times when the carbon content of the grid is predicted to be low. Read More

Red Wolf generates interest at Intensify Conference

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The RED WoLF project commanded the attention of a number of the project partners at the Interreg Europe INTENSIFY final conference. Cork City Council a partner in both Intensify and RED WoLF hosted the event on the 09th and 10th of November 2022. The conference focused on community engagement techniques and behavioural change incentives (aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions) implemented by the partners on the project. The goals and objectives of RED WoLF were of considerable interest to the project partners, particularly its potential application in warmer and colder climates. Pictured are representatives from the Italian Province of Treviso, the City of Zadar and Energie-Avantgarde, the energy agency of the Saxony-Anhalt region of Germany” Read More

Red-Wolf at Cork City Innovation Day

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This week (October 24/10/2022 – 28/10/2022) is Public Service Innovation Week in Ireland. The event was hosted by Cork City Council and included a display of innovations by the Council on the 25th October 2022. Included in the stands was the Interreg North West Europe “RED-WOLF” project. The project received a lot of attention from the visitors who were particularly interested in the application of the RED-WOLF system to new build homes and offices as well as to units undergoing major refurbishments. Read More