Smart Track 4 Waterway

Project Summary

ST4W proposes a management solution for shipment by inland waterway transport, providing to small stakeholders a simpler and cheaper access to secure data, and enabling them to share a hierarchical track & trace service of shipment at logistics unit level : what pallet in what vessel ?

ST4W solution will provide an end to end seamless visibility to supply chain stakeholders :

  • Automatic update of logistics unit status (pallet, container …)
  • Real-time update of ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) of each logistics unit, throughout the multimodal supply chain
  • Automatic alert in the case of delay or loading the wrong logistics unit
  • Electronic proof of delivery at each step:

This cloud-oriented platform is based on GS1 standards, where everyone is master of his own data and shares it only with chosen partners

A sustainable and closer cooperation between waterway actors and their supply chain partners will enable more clients to make use of waterway transportation (from mental shift to modal shift), and consequently to reduce CO2 emissions of their logistics operations.


Main advantages of Inland Waterway Transportation (IWT):

IWT predominantly used by large companies for bulk & big volumes:

  • Used to a small extend by SMEs
  • Used to a very small extend for palletized freight


Palletized freight is generally carried in small volumes directly from point A to point B


Modal shift from road to waterway needs:

  • additional transhipment operations
  • bundling of several small volumes
  • more complex logistics engineering
  • more administrative burden

ST4W proposes an unified data exchange platform …

  •  fed with hierarchical tracking data at logistics unit level (pallet, container)
  • proposing transversal services:
    • real time update of cargo Estimated Time of Arrival
    • electronic proof of delivery

... tackling modal shift brakes

  •  seamless synchronisation between logistics and IWT actors
  •  end-to-end follow-up of shipment:
    • in multimodal environment
    • with reduced administrative burden

Project Partners

Lead partner

Organisation Address Email Website
Multitel 2 Rue Pierre et Marie Curie
Name Contact Name Email Country
Circoe Claire Bouvier France
Logistics in Wallonia Bernard Piette Belgium
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Tom Van Woensel Netherlands
Stichting Bureau Telematica Binnenvaart Henk van Laar Netherlands
Institut du droit international des transports Ludovic Couturier France
Stichting Projecten Binnenvaart Khalid Tachi Netherlands
Port Autonome du Centre et de l'Ouest Christophe Vanmuysen Belgium
Port de Bruxelles - Haven van Brussel Désirée Simonetti Belgium
Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE) Bernd Noche Germany
Blue Line Logistics nv Ferenc Szilagyi Belgium
Inlecom System Ltd Yash Chadha United Kingdom
Sogestran Gilles Peyrot France
EVOL LILLE Bertrand LEROY France
IT-Optics Lorenzo Bassani Belgium
Promotion of Operational Links with Integrated Services Ivo Cré Belgium
Paris Terminal Alain O’JEANSON France
Urban Waterway Logistics Peter Geirnaert Belgium
Stichting Dunamare Onderwijsgroep J.J. Boll Netherlands
Bockaert en Thienpont Pieter Bockaert Belgium
Chambre de commerce et d’industrie de Région Hauts-de-France Ksenija Banovac France
Haropa Christophe Du Chatelier christophe.duchatelier@PARIS-PORTS.FR France


ZULU 04 at Riverdating

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ST4W team organized a demonstration of ZULU 04 during Riverdating in Liège. ZULU 04 is a vessel specially designed for the transport and handling of packaged goods like pallets or big bags. Visitors had the opportunity to watch the ZULU 04 in activity, and get on board. Read More

ST4W at Riverdating

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Smart Track 4 Waterway participates to Riverdating 2019, the 12th meeting of European actors in river transport and multimodal logistics. This event will take place on the 27th & 28th of November at the Palais des Congrès in Liège. ST4W will be presented during a conference about River Information Services, on Wednesday 27th at 10:00. In addition, some demonstrations of the Zulu 04 will be performed by our partner Blue Line Logistics, in the morning and during the lunch break on Wednesday 27 November: ZULU 04 is a boat specially designed for the transport and handling of packaged goods like pallets or big bags. We are looking forward to welcoming you on our stand AC 24! For more informations on the terms of acces of this event: Read More

ST4W at Digital Construction

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Smart Track 4 Waterway participated in “DIGITAL CONSTRUCTION” event, which took place in Brussels on 23 October 2019. ST4W project was presented during the conference “Chantiers Intelligents”. It was a good opportunity to foster modal shift from road to waterways for construction materials. Read More

ST4W participated in Fludis launch ceremony

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On 21 September 2019, Fludis, a logistic boat was lauched in Paris. It will sail on the Seine to deliver goods in the centre of the city. For example, furniture will be delivered to a new Ikea store. The boat has an electrical motor, so it will contribute to the decrease of CO2 emissions in the French capital. The partners of ST4W project were happy to participate in the launch event and to witness the development of eco-friendly inland waterway logisctics. Read More



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