
Closing Event Interreg NWE project Suricates Sediment Uses as Resources In Circular And Territorial EconomieS

, Polytech-University of Lille (FRA)

The Suricates Project Partners are delighted to present the results of their activities since project commencement in 2018. We had Brexit, COVID pandemic, Ramsar birds and even the Queen’s jubilee across track but we made it!!! You are more than welcome to take part in our Closing Event which takes place at the Polytech-University of Lille (FR) December 15th, 2022.
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Workshops on the valorisation of the sediments of the Rance estuary

, Rance estuary

Within the framework of the European project Suricates, the EPTB Rance Frémur and the University of Lille organize a day of exchange on the valorization of the sediments of the Rance estuary. This day consists of 3 consecutive thematic workshops, open to all: Workshop 1: What are the possibilities of recovery of sediments from the Rance estuary in the territory? [general public]. Workshop 2: Experiments in sediment reclamation as part of the Suricates project and solutions being studied to optimize agricultural reclamation [general public and specialists]. Workshop 3: Prospects for the reuse of sediments in civil engineering (dykes and concrete applications) [general public and specialists]. The workshops will be led by experts from different structures involved in the Suricates project, notably the ITM Lille-Douai, BRGM, Ixsane and the University of Lille. They will be an opportunity to present the results of the Suricates project and to discuss with the experts the possibilities of reusing marine sediments from the Rance estuary.
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