
How can local and national governments accelerate energy retrofitting in condominiums? - A conference wrap-up

, Brussels, Belgium

In many European Member States, the 3% renovation rate will only be achieved if policies also focus on collective renovation. Fortunately, valuable experience from the ground with a specific focus on multi-apartment buildings exists. During a one-day conference in Brussels, the six pilot cities that are part of the Interreg-NWE-funded ACE-Retrofitting project shed light on opportunities and challenges when it comes to supporting retrofit projects in condominiums.
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ACE-Retrofitting Webinar: From concept to realisation – A step-by-step tool that helps co-owners accelerate retrofitting in condos

, (online)

14:00-15:00 CET Partners in the ACE-Retrofitting project are seeking to support municipalities in launching energy retrofitting strategies for condominiums. They developed a range of tools that notably help municipalities make the link between the demand side (co-owners, trustees, etc.) and the supply side (professionals). The “Step-by-Step” toolkit provides 17 specific soft and hard tools to accompany co-owners on the road to condominium energy retrofitting. It is divided into three main complementary phases: 1. The “first step” allows the co-owners to explore the idea of leading an energy retrofit in their building. 2. The “taking-off step” deals with the activities to be developed until the vote for retrofitting. 3. The “real thing step” is related to the start of the energy retrofitting work itself.
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