Practical training "Friction in Sheet Metal Forming"

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A practical training on “Friction in Sheet Metal Forming” will take place on 26th March 2019, at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. The training is organised by the ASPECT partners Filzek Tribotech, Triboform and ESI Software Group, who will demonstrate state-of-the art approaches to determine friction in sheet metal forming processes. During the practical training, the influence of temperature increase on friction will be demonstrated in experimental forming operations, as well as on finite element simulations. Read More

Coming up: training opportunities on Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming

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The INTERREG project ASPECT will host two different kind of trainings on tribology. The first event is a practical training on “Friction in Sheet Metal Forming Process” on 16 October 2018 at the Technical University of Darmstadt. The second event is a two day course on “Fundamentals of Tribology in Sheet Metal Forming” on 19 and 20 November 2018 at the University of Twente. Read More