
Webinar 'Peatlands in the new CAP'

, Online

On Wednesday the 3rd of June, you can follow the interesting webinar 'Peatlands in the new CAP'. This goes alongside the publication of the policy paper “Peatlands in the EU. Common Agriculture Policy After 2020.”, released by Wetlands International Europe, Greifswald Mire Centre and the National University of Ireland, Galway. This event will present the science base behind peatlands at EU level, show examples of farming on peatlands, inform about practical and political solutions and how these could be integrated into the new CAP.
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Open Care-Peat meeting with workshops and site visit

, Near Eindhoven, the Netherlands

On Tuesday February 4th and Wednesday February 5th, the partners of Interreg Care-Peat will meet in The Netherlands. Next to our partner meeting we will hold different workshop concerning our scientific programme and socio-economic strategies. Also we will visit nature reserve Deurnsche Peel-Mariapeel together with peatland expert Gert-Jan van Duinen. The good news is that you are most welcome to join us. Check the program and register below. Registration is possible until January 27th 1 pm.
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Care-Peat at the "NWE making an impact" event in France

, La Chaufferie, Tourcoing, France

December 4 and 5th, an Interreg North-West Europe event will take place in Tourcoing, France, called "NWE making an impact". The event will focus on the results achieved by the 83 NWE projects funded so far, and how to further support their uptake and impact. The event is aimed firstly at project partners as well as decision makers at European, national and local level. This will be a nice opportunity to meet other projects and stakeholders, and to discuss about future cooperations. Care-Peat will also be present at the event, with a stand. Feel free to visit and meet us live at the event. Register now.
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Open Care-Peat meeting with workshops and site visits

, Dublin, Ireland

On Thursday September 26th and Friday September 27th 2019, the partners of Interreg Care-Peat will meet in Ireland. We will further discuss our peatland restoration plans, different greenhouse gas measurements as well as a general measurement plan, and socio-economic strategies. We will have workshops and visit some interesting local sites. The good news is that you are most welcome to join us. Check the program and register.
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