
COVID-19: European Commission mobilises €123 million for research and innovation to combat the threat of variants

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The Commission is mobilising €123 million from Horizon Europe, the new EU research and innovation programme, for urgent research into coronavirus variants. This first emergency funding under Horizon Europe adds to a range of EU-funded research and innovation actions to fight the coronavirus and contributes to the Commission's overall action to prevent, mitigate and respond to the impact of coronavirus variants, in line with the new European bio-defence preparedness plan HERA Incubator. Read More

Innovation for Health – Codex4SMEs break-out session

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A healthy future with good and affordable healthcare demands smart solutions. But those types of solutions don´t just appear out of thin air. To realise this, you need people with ground breaking ideas, energy, perseverance and a relentless belief in the added value represented by collaborations. You could find these kind of people at the Innovation for health congress in Rotterdam. On February 13th in the framework of the congress, the Codex4SMEs break-out session took place. Read More

TRANSMED Academy - virtual learning environment by EATRIS

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Our associated partner EATRIS (European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine) is offering support via their new developed virtual learning platform 'TRANSMED academy': To support biomedical researchers to gain better understanding of translational research and medicines development, EATRIS has developed a learning platform, offering access to several online activities, free of charge. Online training modules are a great way to provide high quality, accessible, interactive training at all levels. Read More